Quick Episode Summary:
- Intro :15
- Promo 1: Dark Angels and Pretty Freaks 2:17
- On the Libsyn Blog 2:41
- Promo 2: Joke Me Off 6:28
- Really, you need to send in your podcast promo 6:58
- Promo 3: Atheist Nomads 7:49
- Rob and Elsie Conversation 8:19
- Fantastic announcement from Apple about a native Podcasts App for iOS8!
- Issues with k7.net call in numbers this past week
- Email feedback from Dave Burck from The Cigar Jukebox Podcast about following our Stitcher advice.
- Follow up from Ryan from the Green UP! Podcast on feedback about building an audience as well as how he listens to podcasts while gaming
- Audio feedback from the developer of The Studio Effect 22:05
- How to choose the best How To Podcast Tutorials or should people be teaching podcasting when they just started podcasting themselves?
- We share the Atheist Nomad’s page on how to listen to a podcast
- Nice sound comparison between MXL990 mic and the Heil PR40
- A call to arms! Send in your microphone sound comparisons! A community collective of mic comparisons begins!
- Rob’s audio mic comparison of the Audio Technica 2100 and the Blue Yeti 37:48
- The first time the word podcast was mentioned on Radio
- Voice feedback from from Ann from the Books On The Nightstand podcast regarding iTunes subscriber counts 44:04
- Question from Jon regarding checking sound levels and quality before uploading
- Question from Craig regarding a future where Amazon brings podcasts to their store
- David gets a speed-round of answers to his myriad of podcasting questions
- Wrap-up!
Featured Podcast Promos + Audio
Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links
- Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Pod on Pod
- Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Dr. Vibe Show
- Elsie on the Dr. Vibe Show
Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie
- Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback 🙂
- The Podcast Movement
- Native Podcasts App comes with iOS8
- The Cigar Jukebox Podcast
- Issue with K7.net
- The Studio Effect
- The Green UP! Podcast
- The Atheist Podcast how to listen page
- Video comparison between MXL990 mic and the Heil PR40
- Keith and The Girl Episode 2000!
- Rob’s mixer set-up to record Skype
- The Books On The Nightstand podcast
- The Minister of Myself Podcast
- Women in Podcasting Panel with Elsie
- Beyond Hosting – The 411 with Rob
- Rob on the Beats and Eats Podcast
- Podcaster’s Roundtable with Rob all about mobile podcasting!
- She Podcasts Elsie’s new podcast for women podcasters!
- Remember! Send your audio microphone snippets to rob@libsyn.com
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