Quick Episode Summary:
- Intro :12
- Promo 1: Songs Inside 2:01
- On the Libsyn Blog! 2:31
- Promo 2: Two Ewes Fiber Adventures 4:34
- How you can win a free year of podcast hosting! 5:05
- Promo 3: The Manwhore Podcast 12:17
- Rob & Elsie Conversation 12:54
- Apple TV Happiness!
- Overcast has some really cool time-stamp type features!
- What type of files types and sizes Bossjock can import and export
- Funny Onion article, all about podcasting and audio quality
- We discuss all kinds of stuff about whether or not there’s a db standard for publishing
- Awesome feedback from a listener to a podcaster about how awesome their standalone app is!
- OMG there are NO explicit or partially explicit shows in India – audio feedback 29:23
- What exactly do zero downloads mean? – audio feedback 33:32
- We got A LOT of feedback about Google Play Music and we address two key questions
- What exactly are some of the advanced options in the GPM destination
- When Google Play goes LIVE, will I have to do anything different in my podcast production workflow?
- If you initially didn’t submit the Libsyn GPM feed can you change it?
- Is Google Play Music only for the big shots? – audio feedback 45:38
- Lovely email from one that listens and obeys – audio feedback 47:03
- What is the best email to use when submitting to GPM?
- Oh goodness! We respond to questions about the GPM Terms of Service
- Rob soapbox, this time it’s about the term podcasting, it’s here to stay
- Make sure that you participate in our giveaway for a free year of hosting!
Featured Podcast Promos + Audio
- Songs Inside
- Two Ewes Fiber Adventures
- The Manwhore Podcast
- Kris Baker Dersch from No Extra Words
- Ben Hauck from The Acting Income Podcast
- John from Let’s Talk Metal Detecting and Treasure Hunting
- John Biethan
Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links
- Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Oversell Podcast
- Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Bucs Brief Podcast
- The Feed SPECIAL: Google Play Music Adds Podcasts!
Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie
- Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback 🙂
- New Apple TV
- Overcast
- Submitting To Google Play Libsyn Support article
- Podcaster Makes Solemn Promise To Improve Sound Quality
- The Five Hurdles of Podcasting and Why Google’s Recent Move Is Only The First
- Rob’s 2007 article about the name podcast
- Rob on The Podcast Helpdesk
- Rob on Let’s Talk Leadership
- Elsie on Fear Free Childbirth
- Elsie on Podtoberfest – article on the 24 hour recap
- Libsyn Live Webinar introducing The WordPress Plug-in Beta
- The monthly Podcasting Quick Start
Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)
This is the all the information that you need to enter the contest.
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