Quick Episode Summary:
- Intro :20
- Promo 1: The Productive Woman Podcast 2:06
- On the Libsyn Blog! 2:36
- Promo 2: Healthcare Tech Talk 4:18
- How you can win a free year of podcast hosting! And how you can be featured on the podcast and blog 4:48
- Promo 3: Jeep Talk Show 5:49
- Rob & Elsie Conversation 6:22
- The Thanks, Podcasting Project! Win a free year of hosting
- Rob got a new toy, the iPad Pro is in the house!
- Why is Google Play Music only in the US? 18:37
- Follow up on having zero downloads and no downloads
- Is there any way to get monthly stats that go back further than 3 months?
- Feedburner feed to the Libsyn feed and having issues with the other podcatchers 27:54
- Should you fill out all the publishing fields in Libsyn and create ID3 tags as well?
- Putting the title of your show into the episode title does not help at all, it just makes your episode title look wonky
- Rob found the found something very interesting about the Podcasts App, and it has to do with the
- Complaints about ‘owning your feed’ and what it really means
- Who is America’s best history teacher? Elsie gushes about a podcaster
- Castro is also doing the patronage model! And Elsie is super stoked about it
- It’s stats time again! Mean, median AND user agents gallore
Featured Podcast Promos + Audio
- The Productive Woman Podcast
- Healthcare Tech Talk
- Jeep Tech Talk
- English With Kirsty
- The Celtic Music Podcast
Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links
- Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Manwhore Podcast
- Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Productive Woman Podcast
- Why We’re Creating A Collaborative Podcast Project Called Thanks, Podcasting
- Win A Free Year Of Hosting And Be Part Of A Collective Podcasting Movement
Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie
- Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback 🙂
- How you can win a free year of podcasting hosting through the Thanks, Podcasting project
- iPad Pro
- The one that did the fun iTunes SEO, The Ultimate Health Podcast
- Rob’s switching from your Feedburner feed to your Libsyn feed
- Bring your own custom domain to Libsyn
- America’s Best History Teacher Doesn’t Work At A School
- Castro adds 3D touch and spotlight search along with patronage funding model
- The awesome webinar Rob is doing for She Podcasts: From Bossjock to Libsyn
Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)
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