Quick Episode Summary:
- Intro :11
- Promo 1: BonBonBreak 2:06
- On the Libsyn Blog! 2:35
- Promo 2: AudSpots 3:48
- Promo 3: Podcast Junkies 6:57
- Rob & Elsie Conversation 7:30
- A bit of a discussion around Westwood’s One’s webinar about podcasting consumption and media buyers
- A Thanks, Podcasting conversation begins
- We announce the three winners for a year of podcast hosting!
- Another promotions! Get $50 off of your standalone podcast app
- We browse how many countries censor internet country all over the world!
- What if you were explicit and you changed your mind to clean? Does your Google Play Music podcast submission change as well?
- iTunes now wants you to pick either clean or explicit – you need to make a decision, period
- You can host your website wherever you like, but you do need to be much more mindful about where you host your media and RSS feed
- A little feedback about how to go about preparing for next year in the Libsyn system 39:04
- Levelator is not dead!
- The email about not sending an email a la Steve Stewart
- A confusing article about small businesses using audio to build their brands, and we clarify
- A bit more discussion about Blab as another source of podcast content and should you start a new podcast with it? 52:10
- Cross posting from another service on to Facebook does not in any way affect the algorithm
- A bit of talk about an 11 port USB C dock and the new 12 inch Macbook
- Help wanted section! Help wanted section!
- Surprising stats about the Mean and Median numbers through October – you’re gonna love them
Featured Podcast Promos + Audio
- BonBonBreak
- AudSpots
- Podcast Junkies
- Mark Dillon from The Organize Mindfully Podcast
- Janet from Get Social Health
Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links
Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie
- Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback 🙂
- Westwood One’s podcasting webinar
- Thanks, Podcasting RSS feed
- Thanks, Podcasting in iTunes – Please subscribe!
- Make Plans to Submit a Smartphone App for Your Podcast in January – Save $50
- Levelator has been updated! You can use it with El Capitan!
- Libsyn Support FAQs
- Libsyn Support Blog
- Small Businesses Use Audio to Build Their Brands
- Buffer and 3rd party apps
- Hydra Dock – with a 11 port USB C dock for the 2015 FANLESS MacBook
- QDNow Network job: Associate Marketing Manager
- New Mommy Media podcast editor job
- The Race To Dominate The World Of Podcasting
- Free Bossjock, editing audio on your iOS and publishing to Libsyn
Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)
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