Quick Episode Summary:
- Intro :11
- Promo 1: The Art of Manufacturing 1:48
- A message from Kris Dersch about an awesome podcasting collaborative project 2:44
- Promo 2: I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere 9:01
- How we feature you! 9:29
- Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Armchair Ninja 3:57
- Promo 3: Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast 15:54
- Rob & Elsie Conversation 16:22
- Facebook Destination Updates! aka timeline player update
- Ooooh 16:9 YouTube image available
- Shout out to Consumer Reports and their Talking Cars Podcast! 21:54
- Talking Cars 100th episode promo
- Will the podcasts you follow start following you? We discuss!
- Art19 and their wanting to kill the RSS feed and replace it with an API – will it fly?
- Does Omny Studio have a breakthrough in Apple Podcast Data
- Blab is totally dead and Google Hangouts is getting some changes
- Live podcasting platforms
- Podster holds ‘best undiscovered podcast’ competition
- Tips from other podcasters about copying and pasting from a rich text editor to an online editor 48:19
- Some audio feedback from Dr. Kyle, leading into social media 50:38
- Social Media Best Practices For Podcasters: we talk playground and energy 51:37
- Funny or sad twitter bomber story
- Google will soon start punishing mobile sites that show hard-to-dismiss popups
- Auphonic is testing a transcription beta and do you have a service that you use that you like?
- Introduction to a new segment! ‘Why do you hate us’
- Why did you leave us 1:31:16
- Not enough listeners
- Done giving away audio for free
- Stats time!
Featured Podcast Promos + Audio
- The Art of Manufacturing
- I Hear of Sherlock Everywhere
- Welding Tips and Tricks Podcast
- The Armchair Ninja Podcast
- The CADORS Aviation podcast
- Michigan Family Wellness Podcast
Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie
- Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback 🙂
- Podcast Storyfest
- Consumer Reports: Talking Cars turns 100
- Will the Podcasts you follow start following you
- Omny Studio declares a breakthrough in Apple Podcast Data
- Libsyn Exec-Omny’s Podcast Data Claims Are ‘Misleading’
- FB group thread about live podcasting
- Blab is Dead Long Live Blab
- Google is Discontinuing Google Hangouts On Air On September 12 Pushes Users To YouTube
- Q&A, Showcase and Applause via YouTube
- Marc Johanssen in Facebook Group shares live podcasting services
- Firetalk
- Huzza
- Zencastr
- Cast
- Podster Holds “Best Undiscovered Podcast” Competition
- Google will soon start punishing mobile sites that show hard-to-dismiss popups
- Castro new iteration!
Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)
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