Podcasting Luminaries = Creative, Committed, Enduring
Starting a podcast is a pretty simple. Staying dedicated, inspired and consistent in publishing your podcast is a whole other matter.
In our Podcasting Luminary Series, we share the voices of podcasters that have been podcasting for 5 or more years and have them impart some of their best podcasting wisdom grounded in experience.
This week’s Podcasting Luminary is the vibrant Suzy Chase The Groove Radio. She’s a massive tour de force in the rare guise of a female podcaster whose been sharing groovy tunes before a podcast was even a podcast!
How long have you been podcasting?
I am definitely a rare female podcasting pioneer, The Groove Radio has been going strong for ten years now. In 2003 I found a guy who had a station on iTunes Radio when it was brand new and did weekly one hour shows for him. I had my podcast on his station for 2 years. Then I discovered Libsyn in 2005 and jumped over there.
Fun, Fame or Profit? Why are you doing the show?
Definitely FUN! I have always been passionate about soul music, especially b-sides from well known recognizable bands. In 2003 I saw a huge hole in the online music scene and filled it with the most amazing soul music from 1960–1990.
The Groove Radio is built on human music curation which I believe has given me this longevity. I’m excited to see how I can take my podcast to the next level.
What is your workflow: include hardware, software, text editing, and services as necessary.
I have my whole music collection digitized, so I take the tracks, mix & record them in Traktor with a Numark Mixtrack Controller, post production in Garageband, then upload to Libsyn.
The huge bulk of my time spent is finding the right tunes with the right vibes to mix together. It’s a very hands-on time consuming creative effort.
How has or has podcasting helped create opportunities for you?
I never thought in a million years I would be DJ’ing in New York City. I have a monthly DJ gig at Trophy Bar in Williamsburg/Brooklyn where I can do my thing live. It’s a blast to bring my rare grooves, 80’s funk & 70’s disco to Trophy Bar first Saturdays of every month.
If you have dreams of starting a podcast and following Suzy Chase’s footsteps then you wanna make sure you have the best host for your podcast! Start here