This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Trey from Hashtag Questions with Brandon and Trey
When did you start podcasting?
We started podcasting in December of 2017.
###Why did you start podcasting?
We had been talking about starting a podcast for years, and finally found the motivation and ambition to start last year. We had big plans to do a scripted show, but realized how much work it would be and how lazy we truly were. That’s when we came up with…
###What’s the name of your show and what is it about?
…Hashtag Questions with Brandon and Trey. Super original concept where the two of us share in some witty banter while answering questions from the Twitterverse which were never truly intended to be answered.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
I (Trey) use a Blue Yeti and Brandon uses an Audio Technica. When you listen to the audio, you can clearly hear how much trouble he has holding it up to his mouth .
How have you promoted your podcast?
When we first started, it was pushed hard on Twitter while we built a following. I won’t say I started this trend, but I certainly helped perpetuate it. I had a filter set up on TweetDeck so that any time someone tweeted “podcast recommendation” I would be alerted. I would then, ever-so-subtly and with maximum self-deprecation, promote our show. It worked well enough for us to be able to build our following, and then I noticed quite a few more podcasters flooding in, which kinda killed the vibe. We also have a handful of really devoted listeners who are constantly sharing with their friends and families.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I would have liked to know how much work it would be to carve out a niche. We’re very fortunate to have an awesome dynamic which has helped tremendously, but if you’re not constantly hustling and promoting, it’s so incredibly easy to get lost in the noise.
If you want to hear answers to questions that were never meant to be answered by some pretty dynamic co-hosts, then what are you waiting for? Subscribe!
And if you happen to want to be part of the show, use the hashtag #QuestionMcQuestionFace on Twitter. Trey and Brandon will be using 150 questions asked using that hashtag over the next 25 weeks!
Do you have a fun idea that you’d like to give life to via podcast? We would love to host your show! Also, if you need a bit of help getting started, we have a free monthly Podcasting Quickstart.