This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Jeremy and Zach from The Fit Mess
When did you start podcasting?
Jeremy: I have been podcasting since 2005. When my long-running show Ear Goggles came to an end last year (2018) it was during a big transition in my life.
I had started taking better care of myself, stopped drinking and stopped using medication for depression issues. As I started seeing progress in terms of weight loss, less depression and just feeling better. I wanted to find a way to share my experience.
My friend Zach had been on a similar journey and shared this desire to be a part of something that could help others. Together we decided our new show, The Fit Mess was a great place to start.
Zach: It’s been a short journey for me so far. I started podcasting just this year but still remember being told about podcasts in 2005 and thinking for the next 13 years I should start one, ah procrastination.
Why did you start podcasting?
Jeremy: Originally I started podcasting with my brother as a way to stay in touch when he lived in another state. We had so much fun doing it we kept at it for 13 years.
Now, I do it both to share what works for me in my wellness journey as well as to keep myself accountable to my own goals. Ironically, Zach is now moving to the same state where my brother lives so again I’ll be producing the show online with thousands of miles between me and my co-host.
Zach: I have spent a large sum of time tweaking my life to be happier, healthier and more productive. I have learned a lot along the way and noticed that I was having an impact on other people just by sharing my story. I wanted to expand to people I could help and I didn’t want to have to repeat myself all the time so I turned to Jeremy and expressed my interest in a podcast.
What’s the name of your show about and what is it about?
Jeremy: The Fit Mess is where Zach and I share our successes and more importantly our failures as we strive to be more fit mentally, physically and emotionally. We want people to know that getting more fit across the board is not easy and usually includes dealing with failure on a regular basis.
A couple of times a month we talk with top experts in the various fields of health and wellness to offer insights and ideas to those looking for ways to live happier and healthier lives.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
Jeremy: We record in a professional radio studio in Seattle. I work in radio and it comes with these kinds of perks. 😉
How have you promoted your podcast?
Jeremy: Primarily through word of mouth and social media. Now that The Feed is talking about us though, we expect big things.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Jeremy: Profit and audience are not as important as having fun and building a community of any size. I still have to remind myself of that often.
Zach: Also how rewarding this is, in the beginning I didn’t know how our messages would be accepted. We are putting ourselves out there and getting vulnerable, the reaction has been great so far in the sense that we have a relationship to the struggles our listeners are having.
If you are on a health and fitness journey or starting to consider it’s time for you to do something about your health, subscribe to The Fit Mess Podcast, today!
You can also follow the Fit Mess on: Twitter, Instagram and Facebook or you can subscribe to their newsletter!
Are you looking to share your life experiences or transformations? How about a podcast? If you need help to get started we have a free Podcasting Quickstart every month, and if you are ready to get started right away you can sign up for one of our awesome podcast hosting plans!