This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Alan from The Theatre Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
October 2018
Why did you start podcasting?
With the recent rise of social media, we are closer than ever to a lot of people we might otherwise never have been able to interact with, including big theatre and Broadway names & celebrities.
However, what we see is still somewhat controlled and filtered. I sought out to start a podcast that could quickly and easily humanize some of these people and provide us with real, raw, unfiltered and candid conversations that fans might not otherwise be able to discover.
What’s the name of your show about and what is it about?
The Theatre Podcast with Alan Seales – Intimate conversations with theatre’s biggest talents including stars, producers, directors, tv stars with theatre history and more.
This is a podcast for theatre people by theater people.
With over 2 decades of experience in film and theatre both as cast and creative, host Alan Seales speaks with Broadway and beyond’s biggest talents to learn more about not only how the world of theatre and performing operate, but also what makes it so real and human.
In-depth, personal, behind-the-scenes conversations will highlight special details of the industry that most people may not know exist, will always find out what makes the guests love their craft, what makes them tick, and what truly inspires them.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
Our podcast kit is completely portable, centering around a Zoom H6.
This gives us the option of recording up to 6 people at once on individual tracks via Blue Encore 100 microphones.
The audio is brought into Logic Pro where it is first run through the iZotope RX plugin to remove rogue device noises, random feedback frequencies, hum, hiss, etc.
How have you promoted your podcast?
Primarily just social media thus far. We also rely on our guests to share and re-share our graphics and posts, which is producing steady, positive growth.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Podcasting is not easy!
The advice I would give to myself 6 months ago is that in general, explosive growth is not guaranteed regardless of the quality of guests.
It takes hard work, dedication, and lots of new relationship building, especially when interviewing guests with very busy schedules!
Hey Theater PEOPLE! This is THE podcast for you. You know what to do! Subscribe today!
And if making that commitment is just a little too much for you, then follow them on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook!
If you are in the arts and feel like a voice is missing and you wanna take it on, we would love to help you get going! We have a FREE Podcasting Quickstart every single month! Ready to get going? Our podcast hosting plans are exactly what you need regardless of the show that you wanna create.