This series is all about Libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with from Watch The Throne and Wayward Pines
When did you start podcasting?
We started podcasting in April 2015. The HBO Game of Thrones series, season 5 was is our first podcast show.
Why did you start podcasting?
I heard a few different podcast on tv shows that I like, and I thought it would be fun to have my own podcast.
I didnt have a co-host, so I begged my husband to be my co-host, and he started to enjoy it as much as I did right away.
What’s your show about?
The Verdict Is In is about analyzing and discussing our favorite tv shows.
We currently cover two tv shows, Game of Thrones and Wayward Pines.
Our third show will begin the first week of June, to cover the upcoming third season of Orange Is The New Black.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
We did a lot of research as far as the common podcasting equipment podcasters use.
We use Audacity for our audio and Libsyn for our podcasting hosting site.
We have a Shure SM58 microphone and a Cobalt CO9.
We use a Focusrite Scarlette 2i2 mixer, and cable cords we bought from guitar center.
We also bought a small headphone adapter to plug into the mixer so we can hear ourselves better when we are tapping.
We use some basic over the ear headphones, any will do.
How have you promoted your podcast?
We use different social media platforms to promote our show. We are on twitter @theverdictsin, Facebook, Tumblr (although, I don’t know how to navigate through Tumblr very well, so I hardly use that one).
We also have a google+ page – , and Im on google+ everyday.
I also always share The Verdicts In Facebook post with my own personal facebook page.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Well, since are still very new to podcasting, we havent really had anytime to say “I wish I knew that before” moments.
One thing I do know, when we first started recording, we only had 1 microphone between the two of us, and we quickly realized that wasn’t going to work for us.
I had also saved our first three episode as WAV instead of MP3, and was quickly advised that is a big no, no.
I’m pretty sure a year from now, we will look back and realize tons of things we could have improved on, but that all comes with learning and growing.
If you’re totally into what these guys are doing, you need to SUBSCRIBE!
Do you have a passion for a T.V. Show? Or T.V. Shows? Well, why not podcast about it? We’d love to host your media!