Libsyn's 15th Birthday!


Pittsburgh, PA 2004

Your Voice Has Always Been What Matters Most

Thank you for sharing your own Libsyn story. We love you!

More Brilliant Birthday Wishes on the Latest Episode of The Feed

Rob Walch and Elsie Escobar

We will be sharing more of our customer’s birthday wishes on The Feed, the official Libsyn podcast.

Want to send us YOUR Libsyn birthday audio feedback? Email it over to [email protected].

It is so fun to listen to everyone’s Libsyn story.

Test Your Libsyn History Trivia Knowledge With This This Quiz

Get 15% off of Libsyn Swag at the Tee Public Shop with code 15bday

Proceeds of our sales in the shop go towards sponsoring podcaster community events.

Shop our TeePublic store and snag some podcaster swag.

Start podcasting on with the code 15BIRTHDAY and you will get all of the current month free + the following month. If you need help starting a podcast on Libsyn check out our podcasting quick-start webinars on Crowdcast.

The code 15BIRTHDAY will be valid for three days only from 11/5/2019 – 11/8/2019.

The Story Of Libsyn

In the words of Dave Chekan (Co-Founder of Libsyn)

The story of how it all started has been told time and time again (at least in my head to the faux reporters that have asked me) but since it has been years and many of you who are reading this may not have heard them, I’ll spin the yarn one more time.

We are Looking Forward to 2020

While we have been feeling a little nostalgic, our brains are all on the future of the podcasting space. We are hard at work on the updates, features, and integrations that will continue to support you and your podcasting goals.

Making Libsyn the best podcast hosting solution for podcasters worldwide includes a continued dedication to trusted media delivery, exceptional reporting, and tools that will support each podcaster’s unique goals for growth, monetization, and stardom.

Be sure to check out our Podcast Community page to learn more about where we are headed in 2020. Podfest, and Podcast Movement Evolutions will be here before you know it!

We can't say it enough, thank you for choosing Libsyn!​

Follow us on social media to join in the celebration!
#OGpodcaster, #Libsynis15