
Submit Your Event Below

Your podcasting community event can change lives and open minds.

Libsyn is looking for 5 podcasting community events to sponsor within the next year.

We are in the beginning stages of gathering and understanding what our podcasting pioneers and leaders needs are and how we can help.

Our focus will be on the impact we think your event will have on those who attend.

We will Promote Your Event even if it isn’t Sponsored

  We appreciate your understanding that not everyone who submits a request will be chosen, but we will try to share every event that is submitted in Libsyn’s social media communities.

We have high hopes that each year we will be able to help more and more producers host impactful events.

If you are looking for a way to help us grow this effort and the number of podasters we are able to sponsor snag some Libsyn and podcaster swag at our Tee Public Shop and all proceeds will go towards funding podcasting community events.

Basic Requirements for Sponsorship

Please complete the form in the link below. By completing this form, you consent to us storing this information to reach out to you regarding your sponsorship request or get additional information concerning a social media post featuring your event.

After You Submit Your Event

Once you complete the form above please give us 30 days to contact you.

Right now we are leaving the form open for an undefined period of time but may choose to close it early or temporarily depending on the number of submissions. We would like to give producers as much time as possible to organize event details for consideration.

Contact talktous@libsyn.com with any additional questions.