How to Switch from Omny Studio to Libsyn Podcast Hosting

Thinking about changing podcast platforms? Then, think about how Libsyn’s reliability and exclusive features can take your podcast to the next level!

Not sure how much time–and effort–it will take to change your podcast host? Good news…Switching to Libsyn is easy as 1-2-3.

Step 1: Sign Up for a Libsyn Account

Go to the Libsyn signup page to create your account.

Next, pick a plan that suits the needs of your podcast.

Step 2: Import Your Show

Now that your account is ready, it’s time to bring the show files over to Libsyn. (Don’t worry….We do all the heavy lifting.)

Get started by going to the Settings section.

Click on Feed & Sync Import.

Once the window pops up, select One Time Import.

Type in your current Megaphone RSS feed URL.

Click Submit.

Depending on how many files your podcast has and how large they are, this may take a bit. Go for a walk or start planning your next batch of podcast content. We will let you know when the import is complete.

Need more details? Visit our guide to moving a podcast from Megaphone to Libsyn.

Step 3: Redirect Your Podcast RSS Feed

People enjoy your podcast. They want to know when new episodes come out (and listen to your old ones). It’s time to make sure Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and all your other digital distribution platforms can find your new podcast host.

Your podcast RSS feed connects your content to these services that alert your subscribers when new episodes come out. Redirecting the RSS feed makes your move to Libsyn seamless.

How to Redirect a Omny Studio RSS Feed

Start by logging into your Omny Studio account.

Go to the playlist of the podcast you want to redirect.

Click on the Details tab.

Expand the Advanced Settings section.

Tick the box marked Podcast RSS Permanent Redirect

Enter your new Libsyn RSS feed in the Redirect URL field.

Click Save Changes.

Your RSS feed is now redirected. It may take up to 4 weeks for all changes to take effect. It’s advised you maintain your Omny Studio account during that time. Still have questions? Visit the Omny Studio knowledge base.

Welcome to Libsyn!

We are so happy to help you share your podcast with the world! The Libsyn team wants you to have the best podcast hosting experience ever. If you are having any problems migrating to Libsyn, contact our support staff at We are here to help during your transition and as your podcast grows. 

Looking to switch to libsyn from another host?