Choose Superior Hosting for Your Video Podcast

Join 75,000+ podcasters growing and making money with Libsyn.

Use code 2FREE to start free!

Libsyn podcast directory, featuring recently updated, new shows, and premium shows

Create and Scale with Trusted Tools​

Whether you are a beginner or pro, our tools make it easy to create and scale your video podcast.

Be Heard Everywhere Your Listeners Are

One click and you’ll distribute your podcast to all major platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more. Reach listeners on all major podcast distribution platforms.

Image showing how your cover art looks in your Libsyn settings and then translates neatly into podcast apps.

Make Money with Your Podcast

Whether aiming for a few dollars a month or building a podcast business empire, join the thousands of creators making money with Libsyn.

Laptop displaying a monetization screen from Libsyn account management dashboard

Reliable Insights for Your Podcast

Libsyn combines marketing tools and robust analytics to help simplify your growth in today’s competitive world of podcasting.

Publish and Monetize with the Professionals​

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75,000+ podcasts hosted

Libsyn hosts 75,000+ podcasts worldwide. We are the most experienced podcast hosting platform.
Source: Libsyn Q4 2022

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7.8 BILLION episodes published

Libsyn currently hosts nearly 8 billion podcast episodes from podcasters all over the world.

Graph of increased revenue

$60 MILLION paid to podcasters

We have helped podcasters earn $60M with our advertising & subscription services.

Libsyn is loved by the podcasters you love.

Libsyn is the best platform for video podcasts. Our suite of tools makes podcasting easier and more efficient.


Distribution Everywhere

Your podcast is distributed everywhere — your listeners’
favorite apps & yours.

check payment

Easy Payouts

Get paid every time an ad is listened to. Libsyn ensures payouts are prompt.
digital controls

Ultimate Control

Batch publish or pre-schedule podcast episodes down to the minute with Libsyn.
dashboard meter

Smart Settings

Set it and forget it. Podcast episode defaults automatically streamline creation workflows.

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Unrivaled Analytics

Get clear insights every time you publish to boost your podcast’s reach and grow your audience.

Use code 2FREE to start podcasting for free.

Always unlimited downloads, never any automatic ads, free show import, and a commitment to authentic, independent voices.

Podcast Hosting FAQs

What is a podcast?

A podcast is the medium of the future. Eighty million Americans (28% of the U.S. 12+ population) listen to podcasts weekly with the most diverse audience ever while driving, cleaning, working out or relaxing. These numbers have only increased for the past decade.

What is podcast hosting?

Choose your podcast host for ease and execution — and price. The best podcast hosting platform will offer you turn-key publishing, world-wide distribution, promotion and monetization. They will make it super easy to grow and make money from your podcast. Libsyn offers all this and caters to the independent podcaster who wants complete control over how their show is presented to the world.

How do you pick a podcast host?

Our hosting plans are not based on how many downloads your show gets in a month, but on how much new content is loaded to your account every month. You don’t have to worry about surprise charges or rate increases if your episode downloads and audience grows.

How do podcasts make money?

Any podcast can make money offering top listeners exclusive content via a subscription service like Libsyn’s Glow. Members get access to special features, like guest interviews, training, archives and more. When a podcast has enough downloads to attract advertisers on a platform like Libsyn’s AdvetiseCast Marketplace, the host can then earn money by offering host-read or programmatic ads.