Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Edacious Food Talk For Gluttons

Food discussion podcast

This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!

Q & A with Jenée from Edacious Food Talk For Gluttons

When did you start podcasting?

It will be a year on February 27, 2016.

Why did you start podcasting?

It’s funny. In public I say it was to bring people to my food writing. To drive traffic to my blog.

The reality?

I podcast because I have to. I’ve suffered from depression my entire life. But two years ago I had a particularly bad episode.

I felt like I’d dug a subbasement beneath the basement of my soul. I was a 47-year-old woman without joy.

A writer who didn’t write.

My therapist didn’t know how to help me, and I certainly didn’t know what the hell to do with myself other than watch movies and play video games.

At least in simulated life, I could control my actions. Control that world. It got so bad when my therapist let me go I wanted to walk into traffic.

I’m a rabid fan of Marc Maron and used to play “radio station” when I was a kid, so when he talked for the umpteenth time about how podcasting saved him I figured why the hell not?

I took an online course, developed a website, and took that leap of faith. Filled to the brim with fear, anxiety, and panic. Certain I’d fail. Twenty-four episodes in I’m still scared shitless every time I record.

But I’m here.

I’ve got a purpose. I’m putting it out there and folks are responding. To date, I’ve met every deadline.

That’s huge.

My podcast has informed my writing. It got me writing again. It’s given me dreams and goals, but more than anything it has taught me the hardest part is just showing up.

What’s your show about?

edacious (e·da·cious – /i?d?SH?s/ – adjective. Of, relating to, or given to eating. From the Latin edere, to eat. Synonyms: voracious – gluttonous – ravenous – greedy – piggish.)

Charlottesville, Virginia, like many other communities has hyperactive social media when it comes to food.

Too often this results in folks talking ABOUT rather than talking WITH one another. Edacious attempts to bridge that gap to create connection.

This is a podcast for anyone ravenous about food. Every other Friday writer I will present a topic then bring in someone with food passion to talk, laugh, and commiserate. By fostering connection, we celebrate our bounty and create community.

I’m a writer of food, fiction, travel, and essay.

I’m obsessed with vintage cookbooks and diners, adore brunch with cocktails, prefer barefoot picnics to fine dining, and believe biscuits with honey to be a cure-all.

My spirit animals are Larry Bly and Laban Johnson from the legendary show, “Cookin’ Cheap”.

I’m not a chef or a foodie, just someone who loves to cook, eat, travel, and write about it all.

Hopefully, I won’t piss off too many people. But then that wouldn’t be any fun, would it?

What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.

I record with a Roland R05, no mixer, usually onsite somewhere whether it’s a restaurant or my “rented” space in an engraving shop.

I’ve only had to use mics once due to echo, two ATR2100’s. I edit with Audition and host my podcasts through LibSyn.

Feed is through Feedburner. I also use the Blubrry plugin on my site that has the Maron Appendipity theme. Got my intro music from Music Bakery.

How have you promoted your podcast?

What have you got? 😉 I Tweet, Instagram, write blog posts for the website and purchase a small amount of promoted ads through Facebook.

I ask and answer questions on numerous Facebook podcast groups and mention the Edacious to everyone I know, passing out business cards along the way at food events, festivals, and gatherings.

The Always Listening podcast also reviewed me which was fun, and I interviewed KathEats, a nationally-recognized blogger which really helped with download numbers.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?

  1. You will spend most of your time in editing your own dry mouth’s gross clicking noises.
  2. Plugins don’t always work. Sometimes they crash your site. Don’t use too many.
  3. About half the podcasters in the industry will try to sell you something. Be aware. Not all of them are experts even though they say they are.
  4. You will learn more about folks than you will ever realize, and just by showing up, podcasting will make you a truer version of yourself. Happier and more self-actualized person. Show up and let the rest take care of itself.
  5. Whatever happens, you will handle it.

There you have it peeps! Foodies, communicators, community lovers, food obsessed, y’all must subscribe to Edacious! Like NOW.

And if you wanna take it easy, and don’t wanna connect STAT, then start off getting to know Libby over on Twitter and Facebook! She’s got some good stuff going on!

If you are looking to find purpose, self expression or simply to once again CONNECT, start a podcast. Give it a go and let your voice bring you out into life. We’d love to help you do it by hosting your podcast.

Extraordinary Podcasting For All

Use code “creator” for up to 2 months free when you start podcasting or move to Libsyn.

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