This series is all about Libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Lillian Yang from Food Non-Fiction
When did you start podcasting?
On Jan. 17, 2015, I decided to make my own podcast and I’ve been setting up the social media and researching for episodes ever since!
Why did you start podcasting?
Podcasts greatly improved my quality of life.
I have a good bit of road rage and strongly dislike any form of commuting, but when I discovered podcasts, that all changed.
I listen to podcasts everywhere I go and it helps keep my occupied and happy. So, I knew I had to start one of my own.
What’s your show about?
Food Non-Fiction is all about the exciting true stories behind food.
I love food and I love finding out the nitty gritty behind things, so my podcast will explore one food topic an episode and answer all the questions about it I can think of.
Example: You know those restaurants where you eat in the dark? I plan on doing an episode all about how a restaurant like that is run.
What does the food and the decor look like when the lights are on? How often is glassware broken? etc etc.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
Mic: NT2-A Rode mic (bought for me by my dad when I was younger and he passed away a couple years ago…I haven’t felt any excitement since then but building this podcast has been the first thing that has made me feel happy and excited again…this mic is very special to me and I’m proud to be doing making something good with it).
Software: Garageband
CMS: blogger
How have you promoted your podcast?
I have opened Twitter, Pinterest, Youtube, Facebook, G+ accounts for Food Non-Fiction and am trying to create content during my non-existent free time.
On my birthday, I personally messaged a bunch of people asking them to like my podcast’s Facebook page as a birthday favor – from that I got 73 likes.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
How much time everything would take.
I imagined a couple fun hours of reading about food at the library with my co-host, Fakhri Shafai and then recording for an hour but that is sooooo not how this all works.
I learned a lot from The Feed. There are endless things to be done.
Who doesn’t love food? If you have any kind of obsession with food, or you even simply like food, then you need to subscribe to Food Non Fiction!
If you are a listener to Food Non Fiction, and you wanna help them out, you can fill out their survey. The first 100 people that fill it out get a Food Non Fiction mug!
If podcasting has in some way made your life better and you know that you wanna start your own show, we would love to support you in the process. Host your podcast with us!