This series is all about libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Johnny and Jackson from Hi Everybody! A Bad Medicine Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
Hi Everybody launched in August of 2019, but co-host Johnny Kolasinski started podcasting in 2015 with GoT Thrones: A Game of Thrones Podcast.
This is Jackson Vane’s first real foray into podcasting. Not only is Jackson an E.R. Physician, he’s also played one on TV! He was a background actor when a medical drama was filming in his hospital – the directors told him that, as an ER doctor, he should run more to look more doctor-like. (We don’t run in the ER, it’s dangerous plus it makes patients worried and curious).
Why did you start podcasting?
We’re based in San Diego, and, while Johnny had access to San Diego Comic-Con passes through his previous shows and panels, Jackson wasn’t able to get his hands on one.
We brainstormed some possible panels to pitch to get a pass, and decided to put together a team of doctors to talk about medical mistakes in TV and film.
Not only did SDCC pick up the panel, we ended up presenting to a packed house. Since we now know that there’s an interested audience out there, we decided to adapt the concept into a weekly podcast.
What’s the name of your show and what is it about?
On “Hi Everybody! A Bad Medicine Podcast,” Dr. Jackson Vane, unqualified amateur Johnny Kolasinski, and guests talk about some of the most glaring mistakes – and unexpected successes – in Hollywood’s depictions of injuries, medical maladies, and how the body works.
After we pick apart what our subject film or show gets right and wrong, we brainstorm ways the scenes could be more medically accurate while still keeping the stakes high. Although we’re less than ten episodes in, we’ve already covered media ranging from Pulp Fiction to Face/Off to Star Trek.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
Right now, we record on a single Blue Yeti and edit in Audacity. Once we’re more established we’ll probably invest in some more versatile recording equipment. We manage our social media through their native apps.
How have you promoted your podcast?
All of our promotion so far has been through social media (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and word-of-mouth. We work on creating meme-able content using quotes from show, images from covered media, and relevant Simpsons images and quotes.
We’re looking to have more guests and to guest on other shows, but, since Jackson is a real, working doctor, we need to be selective about cross-promotion. We don’t want to inadvertently tie our show into incorrect or dangerous medical information!
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
For this podcast, we just wish we’d known how viable the topic would be so we could have launched before SDCC! Overall, Johnny wishes he’d known that resources like The Feed were available – he could have avoided some rookie mistakes and had a better understanding of what constitutes success. Jackson, as a newcomer to the podcasting game, wishes he knew how well the microphone picks up certain things like drinking from a cup and how much trouble it causes editing it out. He’s learning, we promise!
Are you interested in how badly medicine is handled on TV? How cool is that topic? If so you need to subscribe to Hi Everybody! A Bad Medicine Podcast!
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