This series is all about libsyn’s newest podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Adam Baker from Man vs Debt
When did you start podcasting?
After thinking about doing it for years, I finally launched the Man Vs. Debt Podcast in December 2011.
Why did you start podcasting?
I started podcasting for several reasons. First, I knew that podcasting would help our message reach a more diverse and broad audience. In fact, I’ve noticed a big difference between regular blog readers and regular podcast listeners.
Second, I wanted to practice my own skills in sharing the message via audio. Writing, speaking, and recording video all take different skill sets, and podcasting has helped ME improve my presentation and speaking skills.
Third, it allows for diversity on our end. At times, only writing blog posts can get stale (for both me and the readers) and the occasional podcast can spice things up on both ends!
What’s your show about?
We talk about principles to help people sell their excess stuff, pay off their debt, and start doing work they love. In general, we’ll recap some personal finance news (in a fun way), cover a core topic, and feature a guest speaker or success story. We end each podcast with an action item to apply the topics we covered.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
I use a Heil PR-40 microphone, which I record straight to a Roland R-05 recorder.
We run this set-up through a simple 4 track mixer which allows me to bring in my computer to play soundbites and Skype interviews.
As far as software goes, we use Skype to record interviews and GarageBand to do any editing of the podcast.
It’s a fairly simple set-up!
How have you promoted your podcast?
I haven’t done much to promote it specifically, however I was fortunate to build the podcast off an existing community over at
Because of my existing audience, I was able to write a blog post announcing the podcast which helped get momentum early. 🙂
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Well, I’m still very new. But luckily I reached out for help when I was getting started.
I bought consulting from Cliff Ravenscraft (, which ended up being one of the best investments I could make. Cliff made sure I had all the basics down, set-up the podcast on my blog and in iTunes, developed a strategy for the podcast, and even referred me here to Libsyn. 🙂
So if you are looking to get a hold of your finances you have to SUBSCRIBE! Wanna reach Baker? Baker(at)ManvsDebt(dot)com.
How about you? Start Podcasting! Go ahead and sign-up HERE.