This series is all about libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Myles from Relish The Journey
When did you start podcasting?
I started podcasting on Friday, April 13, 2018. I believe in making my own luck! That’s the day my show went live, but in reality, there were about four months of planning and recording leading up to that moment.
Why did start podcasting?
Relish The Journey was born after I caught the podcasting bug in 2017. I was living in an apartment without TV or internet as my wife and I finished building our new home and a friend suggested podcasts to me as a way to pass the time.
I started listening to the big names, as most people do, and then found myself clicking on every show suggested to me in Apple podcasts.
After listening to a bunch, I noticed that most guests on established podcasts are very much established themselves. My initial goal was to create a podcast that would highlight the inspirational and motivational stories of everyday people – established or not.
What’s the name of your show and what is it about?
My reason for starting a podcast is also where the name came from. I decided to name the show “Relish The Journey” as a way to focus not just on the success people enjoy, but on the path they took to get there.
Plus, I also liked how non-specific the name was. It’s allowed me the freedom to cross genre lines and interview people on an incredible number of topics instead of forcing me to niche down on just one area.
The ultimate goal is to challenge people to relish their own journeys. To take a moment and enjoy the present moment, as it is happening, instead of living in hindsight.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.?
When I first began podcasting, I asked for the Behringer PODCASTUDIO USB kit for Christmas I recorded my first 20 episodes with this.
Even putting remote interviews on speaker and just holding my phone up to the microphone to record the audio. I was the only person I knew pursuing podcasting at the time, so much of my equipment selection and recording techniques have been learned through trial and error.
I could read all the online articles I wanted, but everyone has an opinion on the best and it’s hard to know until you just give it a try. So, when I learned how to use the Behringer board well, I simply upgraded within that same brand and then took a leap on selecting microphones.
I found the kit below from Audio Technica and have not been disappointed. I’ve also found a MUCH better way to record phone calls – a cord that plugs into an XLR input and then into my iPhone.
For editing I use Audacity. For short videos I use Headliner and for graphics I use Canva. It’s amazing what you can accomplish with the free tools and software available on the internet.
Here are links to what I am using in my in-home studio:
Behringer Q1202USB 12-Channel Mixer
Audio-Technica AT2020 Studio Microphone Pack X4
Here are links to what I’m using for on-the-go interviews:
Rode SC6-L Dual TRRS Input Lightning Mobile Interface for Apple iOS Devices
Rode smartLav+ Omnidirectional Lavalier Microphone for iPhone and Smartphones by Rode
How have you promoted your podcast?
My promotion has been small. I have the typical social accounts but I find the daily requirements of posting to be bothersome.
I’d much rather be connecting with and talking to interesting people than feeling like I am self-promoting all the time. So beyond my limited social efforts I have really doubled down on in-person engagement.
I’ve had the opportunity to speak at the International Builders Show in Las Vegas, Nevada for two years in a row; giving presentations to educate people on how to start their own podcast.
I’ve auditioned for, and earned, a TEDx speaking slot in Williamsport, PA for April 2020. I now have coaching and consulting clients and am writing a book. For me, the promotion hasn’t necessarily been about the podcast episodes or chasing download numbers, it’s been about forming real world connections that can catapult me into bigger and better opportunities.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Before I started I wish I knew how easy it would be. And by that I don’t mean that podcasting is a walk in the park. But I had definitely built it up in my head to be this monster of an undertaking and something that would be ‘difficult’ to do consistently.
But, here I am, two years and over 100 episodes later and it’s a blast. There are tedious moments, to be sure, and it was slightly difficult to get up and running, but once you do it becomes something you hit the repeat button on and can truly enjoy. I wish someone had told me to get out of my own way, to stop worrying about the what-ifs and to just start the damn thing.
If you are fascinated by people and love to listen to inspirational stories about success whatever it looks like – living your life, then Relish The Journey is for you! Please go ahead and subscribe to the show!
And if you wanna catch Myles on the Tedx stage in Williamsport, PA in April 2020, head on over here!
If you wanna get started with your podcast and don’t know exactly where to start, we have a solution for you! First, read this series on our blog on how to start podcasting and then sign up for one of our FREE Podcasting Quickstarts!