This series is all about libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Ana from Thank You, Mama
When did you start podcasting?
On 8 March 2020 (International Women’s Day)
Why did you start podcasting?
I was writing a book about lessons I learned from my mom, whom I lost to cancer four years ago.
Talking to women about the book, I realised that what we learn from our mothers is a deeply important topic to women – but also something we never articulate.
So I decided to help women – from different countries, backgrounds, cultures, generations and professions – to articulate and share those lessons.
I dreamt of creating a global platform for women to connect, inspire, motivate and empower each other through their mothers’ life-stories and lessons.
Podcasting was just the perfect media to do this – especially in the middle of a pandemic.
What’s the name of your show and what is it about?
The show is called “Thank You, Mama” – I’m interviewing women from all over the world about the most valuable lessons they learned from their mothers – and lessons they wish their mothers taught them.
I chose three names and asked women about their opinion. Everyone unanimously chose a different name, but that one just didn’t sit with me. So I asked my 5-year old son and he immediately chose “Thank You, Mama”.
Asked why, he explained it “contains emotion” – who could argue with that? So actually, he chose the name.
What’s your podcasting set-up?
I do everything myself and don’t have a budget so I’m trying to keep it affordable, and it still sounds professional. I really want to encourage aspiring podcasters to keep it simple and cheap – but just get their message out there.
I publish on Libsyn and love it. I use an Audio-Technica ATR 2100 mic which I got on Amazon for $39. I record interviews on Skype with the Ecamm Call recorder – I find the sound quality much better than any other app.
I edit in GarageBand. I do my graphics in Canva and audiograms in Headliner.
How have you promoted your podcast?
I’ve learned that my guests are the most valuable promotion – and funnily, especially guests who don’t have thousands of followers.
When these “normal” people share their episode, all their friends and family listen and that really helped my growth. I promote on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
And sometimes I use Facebook ads, but am not sure how much they help.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I am madly in love with my topic and my guests – every episode feels to me like a gift packed with wisdom and inspiration. I loved the concept from the very start but didn’t expect to feel this passionately about it.
I didn’t expect I would love editing this much – for me as a writer, editing is one of the most important parts of the creative process. It also brings me even closer to my guest and their message – I would never let anyone else edit my episodes.
I wish I had known that guests with thousands of followers don’t mean better promotion and more downloads.
And I wish I had known how much patience I’d need with growing the podcast.
I feel I was very well prepared when I started: I took a podcasting course, and every possible free course on the internet. I joined She Podcasts on Facebook – which helped me tremendously.
I attended a podcasting conference. And I used YouTube to learn – you can learn so much from Youtube.
Stories have been how we have handed down stories throughout history. Ana Tajder has taken it to the next level with Thank You, Mama, allowing women to tell the stories that have mattered from their own mothers and passing them on to us. Listen to Thank You, Mama on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Ana took stories that have so much meaning to build a community. With the lessons mothers have handed down throughout history wrapped up into one podcast. She saw the value and reach a podcast could have with these stories. Do you have a story to tell in a podcast series? Let us help you. Check out our Start Your Podcast blog series. If you are ready, we have the best podcast hosting plans around!