This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Priest from The Marketplace
When did you start podcasting?
Why did you start podcasting?
Selfishly, I read a lot of books and have a general curiosity in business that goes beyond my 9–5 and wanted to build a platform to offer the authors and guests in general a chance to answer my questions and curiosity. I wanted to give people who also maybe had the same questions a chance to learn more with me.
What’s the name of your show about and what is it about?
The name of the show is ‘The Marketplace’. I wanted a “generic” title to offer me a chance to speak with those in and around business that could have a discussion that spans what they’re doing in and outside of business.
Everything from being business owners, entrepreneurs and in the workforce and all of our layers of being human. This is a place to talk about your business and your humanistic view on life. In this journey, I’ve talked to authors, business owners, athletes (NBA, NFL, NHL, etc…) and more.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
I use a ATR–2100 mic (usb) connected to a Lenovo Flex 15 laptop. Beats studio headphones, RINGR to record and Book Like a Boss to Schedule all my interviews.
How have you promoted your podcast?
I work with a virtual assistant who helps me manage my social media feed (FB, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Linkedin). I’ve also done some FB ads and work in Reddit in the past.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
My first interview was horrible (on my end). I was yelling into the laptop mic because I wasn’t sure what I was doing, I just knew I needed to start.
I listen back to every episode and make notes on how to be better so I’m always evolving on my approach from the intro, outro, how I promote sponsors to monetize and more. I’m ok with my “suck” and I try to allow myself room to grow. I think this approach doesn’t make me wish I’ve done anything different.
If you’re looking to quench your curiosity about business beyond your 9–5 this is the podcast for you! Subscribe today!
Do you want to start your own podcast? We’d love to help you out! We have a free Podcasting Quickstart every first Wednesday of the month, and if you’re ready to get started, our podcasting hosting plans are amazing!