This series is all about Libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Sarah Mikutel from the Postcard Academy podcast
When did you start podcasting?
I’ve been listening to podcasts since before iTunes — I’m still amazed I figured that out — but I didn’t think I had the tech skills to create one myself.
Then, in 2016, I started producing a business podcast as one of my many marketing responsibilities for a startup.
I quickly learned what it takes to run a quality show — and that the tech was the least of my worries! I launched my own travel podcast, Postcard Academy, in October 2017.
Why did you start podcasting?
I’m an American expat usually based in London, and, despite working insane hours at a tech startup, I wanted to make the most of my time in Europe.
I love traveling, but had zero time to plan. I just wanted to get on the plane, sit back in my tiny seat, and listen to a podcast to learn what I should see and where I should eat when we touched down in Berlin or Istanbul or wherever.
To my surprise, I couldn’t find what I was looking for and so I combined my two passions – podcasts and travel – to create the Postcard Academy travel podcast.
What’s your show about?
As a female who’s traveled and moved to several countries on my own, I really wanted to challenge the cliche that women only travel when in crisis, like you see in so many films: Eat, Pray, Love. Under the Tuscan Sun. Wild.
Postcard Academy primarily features women who travel or live abroad because that’s the life they love. And so every week my guests share their insider food and culture tips on their adopted cities.
I love this because their stories introduce my listeners to hidden gems that really help them explore a city’s best.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
I record most shows remotely on my Macbook Air. I have a Blue Yeti mic and use my Bose noise-canceling headphones.
I use Skype and Ecamm to record my interviews and Descript to do most of my edits. I’m not sure why everyone isn’t using Descript because it’s absolutely amazing — you’re visually editing words along with waves and it makes things so much easier.
I finish editing and processing on Adobe Audition then upload to Libsyn. I turn most episodes into comprehensive travel resources that I post to my Squarespace site.
How have you promoted your podcast?
I post to social media — Instagram, Twitter, Facebook — but its no secret that organic reach on these platforms is pretty limited these days.
I see the most traction on Instagram. I’ve also experimented with Overcast ads, Facebook ads, and Spotify ads.
The Overcast ads performed the best by far and I also love the app, which I think provides the best listening experience for pod lovers.
The Spotify ad was a waste of money so maybe it’s too soon on that platform. Facebook, despite all its problems, can still drive a relevant audience to content, so I continue to use them. I also have a weekly newsletter.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I struggled to find good resources to teach myself how to edit audio. Jason Levine has a very good video series on YouTube, which I recommend.
I’m also shopping around for a new mic. The Blue Yeti has mostly served me well, but I record from noisy cities like Rome and it picks up absolutely everything.
When you first start out, you worry about a lot of things, but then you have such incredible surprises. I’ve actually traveled with guests and listeners that I met through my show, which I did not expect. This is just one of many reasons podcasting is so worth it to me.
If you’re the type of traveler who loves to get off the beaten path, you must subscribe to the Postcard Academy podcast! For more travel stories and advice, sign up for Sarah’s newsletter. Do you have a podcast? Are you interested in interviewing Sarah about travel, living abroad, or living your best life? She’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with her.
Are you looking for a show or a voice that you cannot find? Why not do what Sarah did and start your own thing. If you need to get started podcasting, we’re happy to support you! We have a free monthly podcasting quickstart, check it out. If you’re ready to go, we have the perfect hosting plans for your upcoming podcast!