This series is all about Libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Jayson from The Valley Of The Sun Real Estate Show
When did you start podcasting?
I started podcasting about 3 moths ago. I really like listening to talk radio but I like to listen to it when I want to listen to it not when it is on the radio. So Podcasting is a great fit.
Why did you start podcasting?
I started podcasting as a means to promote my business and offer my experiences and view points in real estate as a mortgage professional.
I know that my podcast is specific to Arizona and even more locally Phoenix, so my market might be small. I looked and looked but could not find good solid information on my local market and what matters to Phoenicians.
I was able to find all kinds of “Get rich in real estate” podcasts but I felt the average consumer was underserved when it comes to local information that impacts them. So I came up with Valley of the Sun real Estate Show, Anything and everything you need to know when it comes to your Real Estate needs in Arizona. I feel as a part of the community I am more in-tune with what is happening here than someone in NY or California.
What’s your show about?
Valley Of The Sun Real Estate Show, is about Anything and Everything related to real estate in the Arizona market but primarily the Phoenix market. I will be having local experts talking on the show and giving their insights as to what is going on and also I plan on bringing other guests such roofers, appraisers, insurance agents, builders, home warranty companies, and even possibly a veterinarian to speak about what to look for in a home and the dangers that your pets face in a home.
I really want to cover ANYTHING and Everything related to real Estate in and around Phoenix AZ.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
Currently I am using Audacity with a Multimix8 and the Samson MTR 201mic. It has been working out really well for me.
How have you promoted your podcast?
Since I am relatively new to podcasting I have been promoting it on all the social media that I can and when I meet with Real estate agents or clients I tell them about it. I will also be putting a link Icon in the signature of my email as well. promoting the show seems to be the hard part.
I understand it takes time for a show to gain some traction and time for me to hone my skill. It is also hard to get guests to come on and speak.
You would think this is easy for a real estate agent but it is not. I find it strange but it is true. I know that once I build my audience that agents will then want to be on the show but for now they shy away and I can only guess it is due in part to little audience.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I wish I had started with Libsyn from the start. I actually started with Blogtalkradio and the sound quality was horrible.
I think it really hurt me in gaining some listeners. I did all my research and even called a buddy that I know who dappled in a podcast and he was the one who recommended Blogtalk.
I listened to what he had and it sounded good so I went with it. I later found out that he prerecorded it and then uploaded it. I figured if I had to do that then I might as well host it with Libsyn.
After my research pretty much all the players in podcasting are using Libsyn so I figured they can’t be wrong so I went with it and I am glad that I did.
Long story short I know that in podcasting it is all about the sound quality and the content of the material. If you have those 2 things you should be off to a good start to you podcasting.
Looking for some information about Phoenix real estate? Something specific that you want to know about the goings on in real estate in Phoenix? You really do need to subscribe to the Valley of the Sun Real Estate Show!
If you wanna touch base with Jayson, you can always do it via twitter
If you are looking for specific type of podcast that interests you or find that there is something missing in the world of podcasting and YOU can provide the solution, then start your own podcast! We would love to help you host your media!.