This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Wes and Tracy From The Veteran’s Cafe
When did you start podcasting?
We started podcasting almost a year ago. I must admit, it was a bit of a bumpy start finding the right balance between our professional lives and podcasting.
Our initial start looked similar to the ups and downs of a soundwave and consistency was something we decided to start addressing in the recent months.
Why did you start podcasting?
I have been listening to podcasts for over 5 years and it has been something that has become an almost ritualistic practice throughout my day.
My love of podcasts was what ultimately drove me to want to podcast myself, but as you all know, it can be difficult to take that first step and dive in.
As you can probably tell from the title of our podcast, my wife and I are both soldiers and I was recently deployed overseas. This was when the idea hit me to start my podcast when I got home.
After nearly a decade in the military, graduating from college and experiencing so many aspects of the lifestyle, I felt that I may have something to offer to those who may need a little help navigating the complexities of serving.
So, my wife and I bought the equipment and lunged straight in within two weeks of my return home.
What’s your show about?
Our show is focused mostly on veterans and soldiers, the issues that may be affecting them and occasional topics that may be in the news.
We talk about different veterans benefits and how you can navigate them, we interview organizations that are in place to help veterans, and we talk about recent news that may affect soldiers still serving and veterans.
We are also happy to help out any veterans or soldiers that reach out to us about military admin issues, web design, podcasting, fitness (Tracy is a trainer) and anything else they may need help with.
What’s your podcasting setup?
Tracy and I both use the Rode Procaster connected to a Behringer mixer and recording in Adobe Audition.
When we decided to start podcasting, I became obsessed with learning the intricacies of Audition so that we could use one of the best digital audio workstations on the market.
Tracy is a professional photographer and I have done web design on the side in the past, so we already had our subscription to Adobe. We just needed to put in the hours in the manual and on YouTube.
And of course, I would be ashamed if I didn’t mention that we ultimately upload our podcasts to the best podcast hosting site on the market! Thank you Libsyn!
How have you promoted your podcast?
We have gone down so many different roads promoting our podcast.
We have gotten involved in many different communities that are a part of our niche to get exposure and have also used paid advertising to reach out to people on Facebook and Twitter.
The advertising bit was definitely a learning experience and something that really took some time to learn in order for it to become effective. But ultimately, we have received our greatest promotion opportunities by having guests on the podcast who are just as interested in promoting their interview as we are to have them promote our show.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I wish we had known from the beginning that consistency and time management are key to having a great podcast.
People who listen to podcasts may think that it is as simple as hitting record, laying down a track, and uploading it to a website.
In reality, managing your time to properly prepare for your show by doing research and prep, recording your show (sometimes more than once to get the best recording) and doing post-production in a meticulous and deliberate manner are crucial to producing a great podcast.
Even more important is that you have a deadline that you have to meet because your audience trusts you to do so.
Are you a veteran? Do you have family or loved ones in the service or that are veterans themselves? This is a MUST listen to podcast. Subscribe today! What are you waiting for?
If you guys wanna connect with Tracy and Wes, check them out on Twitter and Facebook!
If you’ve been feeling like you have something to offer a community that you think isn’t out in the world, why not start a podcast? Your voice needs to be hear! We’d love to host your podcast!