Quick Episode Summary:
- Intro :13
- Promo 1: Get Social Health 2:05
- On the Libsyn Blog 3:12
- Promo 2: This Week in Heresy 5:43
- How we feature YOU 6:09
- Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Talking Rubbish With Eric And Stacey 7:30
- Promo 3: The Tony and Josh show 12:52
- Answer for possible Pamela recording solution from Dave Jackson 14:22
- Rob and Elsie Conversation 15:36
- Holy wow! iTunes went down!
- Interesting find about the iTunes algorithm – wanna try it?
- A bit of an iTunes review exchange rant.
- And a bit of a proper Twitter etiquette rant.
- Rob has his possible perfect podcasting solution.
- Happy Anniversary Keith and The Girl! And awesome feature on the Village Voice.
- Can we get Speakpipe integration in the apps? (audio feedback) 39:32
- Can we get Swedish speaker stats? (audio feedback) 39:32
- Ok, so sharing your direct MP3 link in Twitter is like dark chocolate. 44:16
- Get the scoop on a podcaster that leveraged his nomination for the Podcast Awards and got some super cool press. 47:18
- Some examples of podcasters using Blogger.
- Breaking down the main user agents you need to know (technology in your stats.)
- January podcasting stats! Mean and median updated for your obsessive pleasure.
- Where have Elsie and Rob been and where we will be.
Featured Podcast Promos + Audio
- Get Social Health
- This Week in Heresy
- The Tony And Josh Show
- Talking Rubbish with Erik and Stacey
- Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting
- Michael from M Podden
- Terry from Healthcare Tech Talk
Newest Articles on the Libsyn Blog and Podcasting Links
- Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Manage A Tarot
- Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: Live And Active Pop Culture
- Podcasting Luminaries: Tapping Q&A
Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie
- Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback 🙂
- iTunes went down! The ducttape and paper clips finally gave way.
- Apple press release about the new MacBook
- Keith and The Girl The Village Voice profile
- Podcaster has show nominated for international award
- Big honour for Cornwall area podcaster
- Elsie on the Wellpreneur Podcast
- Elsie on The Mom at 41 Podcast
- Elsie on Smells Like Human Spirit
- Libsyn Live all about getting your audio podcast onto YouTube
PODCASTERS using Blogger
* The Deadshow
* Audio Theater Central
* The Mousecastle Lounge
* The Sibling Rivalry
* The Recoveredcast
Rob and Elsie IRL (In Real Life) Where are we going?
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