Quick Episode Summary:
- Intro :11
- Promo 1: The Level One Podcast1:57
- The Libsyn Blog info 2:24
- Dyslexia and podcasting via The EdTech Podcast 4:35
- Promo 2: Language of Bromance 5:41
- How we feature you! 6:29
- Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcast: One More Sale On The Path To Mastery 8:34
- Promo 3: Begin Self Publishing Podcast 13:24
- Rob & Elsie Conversation 13:48
- Rob is using his new AirPods to record in this episode! Let us know what you thought!
- Apple email: don’t name your episodes the same
- Apple email: when transferring your feed add the iTunes new feed tag to the new feed
- Copyrighted material in your podcast…some guidelines from the NON lawyers (best thing to do is to consult a legal professional)
- How many people are downloading your podcast from your own Android App? Advanced stats to the rescue!
- The Libsyn WP Plugin and what it was created to support
- Questions about the Libsyn blog templates
- Head’s up PayPal users! There are some changes that are happening
- A discussion about the whole Facebook Live Audio thing – and no, it’s not podcasting
- Podclubs
- A bit of discussion on the possibility of NPR Podcasts being more elitist? Check the shownotes for the linked articles
- When your podcasts’s website goes down and your podcast disappears
- HTTPS and iTunes
- What not to do to get your podcast featured in iTunes
- Stats, stats, stats! Median and Mean trends and user agents
Featured Podcast Promos + Audio
- The Level One Dad Podcast
- Language of Bromance
- Begin Self Publishing Podcast
- The EdTech Podcast
- One More Sale On The Path To Mastery
Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie
- Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback 🙂
- Apple AirPods
- Facebook Live Audio elbows in on radio and podcasting
- Facebook launching new audiobook and podcasting system
- Facebook’s next feature, a new way to broadcast live
- Getting people together for some personal conversations – Podclubs
- Podcast Out
- Podcasts Positivism and “explainerism”
- Elsie’s new newsletter: Elsie’s Emergency Excitement Subscribe if you want a tiny bit of excitement on Saturday mornings
- Podfest Chronicles
- Podfest Pay It Forward
Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life)
- Podfest use coupon code shepodcasts for the 3 day event by 11/30 and get $77 off!
- Podfusion the workshop put on by She Podcasts!
- Training 2017 Conference
- Proclaim 17
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- Email thefeed@libsyn.com
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