Can you believe it? It’s time to bid farewell to another incredible year for podcasting and for Libsyn.
And of course it’s time for those looking back at the year posts that gets us all fired up about 2017.
Here two key insights that we observed:
- The RSS feed is still number one, hands down.
- Mobile consumption is the boss of it all. Yes it is.
We don’t think that will be changing in 2017.
Then, above and beyond your RSS distribution, there have been a myriad of ways to promote your podcast, through a variety of online spaces.
You podcasters got very creative and also started to request ways to make your workflow easier, which we are happy to say that The Libsyn Team did a stellar job in getting out to you!
Let’s take a little walk down The Libsyn 2016 Lane for old times sake.
One of the most killer things that was brought to the Libsyn interface in 2016 aka your Libsyn Dashboard, was our WalkMe functionality.
It’s mentioned here first because as we dive into all the other fun releases for this year, it will help you find them (in case you haven’t had chance to work with them already) and it will also facilitate any future learning that you might have about Libsyn!
So what is WalkMe?
A little widget over to the right side of the Libsyn Dashboard that can help you find almost ANYTHING that you wanna do, and all you have to do is to engage with it ☺️
You’ll see it right away! Play with it the next time that you’re in there!
Now, let’s concentrate on workflow! Who doesn’t wanna streamline that up!
Episode Level Defaults
These are soooooo super handy for making sure that your podcast goes exactly where you want it to go, every single time, without you having to set them every. single. time. We have no time for that.
If you want more specifics of how to set these, email support(at)libsyn(dot)com and they can give you the scoop!
Color Swatches make things pretty
We know how happy color makes EVERYONE! 😄
Seriously, it’s one of the key ways to carry over your brand to everything that you do, with color swatches you have an opportunity to zero in on the exact perfect color to make our custom player the prettiest player on the block – looking great with your podcast
Get more info HERE.
Destinations: iHeart, Spotify & Google Play Music
We added some more places for your podcast to instantly go out to!
From within the Dashboard you can also easily crosspost to iHeart Radio, Spotify and Google Play Music.
There are more specific details about how to set that up right here, here and here, so if you have NOT submitted your podcast into these two platforms already, do it. It’s time
Destinations: YouTube & Facebook Video!
This is the coolest thing ever regarding workflow!
We know that video is big.
We also know that we are primarily audio peeps.
We love audio and well, most podcasts are audio, but we also recognize the potential of offering ‘video’ and especially having video within two of the most powerful platforms for video: YouTube and Facebook.
Directly from your Dashboard you can now set it up so that when you publish your latest episode it can cross post to your configured YouTube account and Facebook, Page or Profile!
The cool thing is that we do all the heavy lifting aka the transcoding into video, so, you simply stick to what you do, upload your audio file click publish and voila! Your audio episode will show up in YouTube and Facebook as a video.
It’s awesome!
Libsyn WP Plugin
Not all of you come inside the Libsyn Dashboard often, in fact, you prefer your own WordPress powered website.
You dream of being able to go into your own website and then have your podcast magically post to Libsyn…well guess what???
You can totally do that with our Libsyn WP Plugin!
Insane right?
You can learn all about it here 😎
Functionality Fun From Libsyn
We released our “Pretty Player” aka our Custom Player in November 2015.
Everyone loves it!
Category Player
And we’ve made it even more user friendly by allowing the capability to create a Category Player.
So neat!
You can use a category player if you have certain episodes that a unique theme, or you create your podcasts in seasons. There are a myriad of different ways that you can showcase your episodes by using the category player.
Early Archiving From Inside The Dashboard
YOU GUYS!!!! This is soooooooo great!!!
You know when it’s getting to the end of the month and all of a sudden you run out of storage? You have only one more episode left, and you’re kinda stuck?
Now you can take care of archiving some of your content yourself!
Amazing, right?
This is the kind of thing that when you need it, you need it! And now you can do it.
How? Remember the WalkMe feature that was mentioned right at the beginning of the article? WalkMe will walk you through exactly how to do some early archiving for yourself right from within the Libsyn Dashboard #shweet
Destination Stats
Most podcasters are stats obsessed. Stats-a-holics all the way around, and well, we’ve made it a bit healthier for you to partake in the stats obsession.
We now have Destination stats.
Destination stats give you details specific to the consumption of your podcasts from specific destinations. Quick example: you can find out how many people clicked on the link on Twitter when you shared it via the Twitter destination.
You can learn so much more HERE. That should keep you busy for a while 😜
Bits and Analytics
These last two releases from The Libsyn Team are like adding a few sprinkles to the top of your sundae.
You can now add images to your episode descriptions and you can add a Google Analytics code to your Podcast Page (that is if you use the Libsyn Podcast Page.)
Details about the above here!
That was a lot no?
We cannot wait to show you what we have in store for 2017! Stay tuned for a super cool release in early 2017. It’s gonna be super awesome!