We started by asking podcasters what was the hardest podcasting related thing that they had to overcome in 2012. We got answers.
We continued by asking podcasters to share a few lessons learned about podcasting in 2012. We got some amazing responses.
We now finish up our first series of collaborative blog posts with the answers to the question:
What has to happen in 2013 for you to feel happy about your progress with your podcast and podcasting both professionally and personally?
As always, you podcasters are awesome.
See below.
For podcasters, podcasting happiness equals…
In 12 months time I will have recorded and published more than 30 podcasts and have a whole new stream of connections and comments from people in my industry.
I think having put in place a better social media presence for the show – where I am bringing in more new listeners not just from iTunes and Stitcher – where traditionally my new listeners have come from – but also from Facebook, twitter and blogger and other social media outlets.
In one year I’d hope that in some sort of fashion I would have made my podcasting profitable. I am not looking to make podcasting my full time job in 2013, but I do have that goal in mind. I would like for sponsors to come on board and support what we do at our network.
In 2013 I have plans for a redesigned studio with some possible equipment upgrades. I am becoming more and more intrigued with the video side of podcasting and would like to learn more about editing video as well.
There’s several things that would need to have happened. I would like to see our community continue to grow, I would like to see the amount of downloads continue to increase, I’d like to host more local events for our fans, I would like to participate in more business opportunities, and most importantly, I want to still have fun recording episodes with my staff.
Getting an episode in the iTunes charts, visibly, to which we’d have more listeners, which then leads to paid advertisers, which leads to eventually being able to chuck the day job and doing this semi-pro.
Or getting Alice Cooper and/or Kevin Smith to guest.
John Harrer from DUH Podcast About Horses and Horsemanship
I would feel good about our podcast if a) Guests in the horse industry were willing to come on the show and talk with us, b) we have a thousand downloads per episode, and c) pick up a little revenue (or at least be heading in that direction)
Scott Fremont from The Delicate Sauce Podcast
I’m working on producing and hosting a second podcast with the intention of expanding into my own podcast network so if I’m able to do that I’ll be happy. Honestly, as long as I’m able to keep producing content I’m proud of, I’ll be extremely pleased.
I do my podcast because I love my subject. I don’t do it for the money, or fame, etc. I would love to see more interaction with my audience, and by the end of the year next year I’m going to look for a 10% increase in downloads per episode.
I have to get a lot more listeners! I want thousands of downloads a month. Promoting this is the toughest part of all.
Lots more listeners, more external publicity and referrals, leaps in the download ratings, invitations to participate in other podcasts, and generally greater world dominance in the field of podcasting about literature. Not much to ask, really.
Easy one stop publishing. Libsyn is doing a great job right now but I don’t know it’s the right way for my shows….
Cross promotion with other Dutch podcast.
Still…. the general public have to know how easy it is to watch and subscribe to a podcast. Way easier than going on facebook/youtube. It’s right there in you computer / smart TV / Phone
Someone to stand up and integrate podcasting like Apple did with iTunes 4 years ago
Getting listeners all over the world, and being able to see this clearly in Libsyn.
I’d like to get more exposure to the show and find some additional methods for increasing our audience.
In one year from now, I would like to improve my recording space, which will hopefully provide me with the opportunity to add and master some new equipment. Personally, I would like to grow my listener interaction. I would love to hear from them more regularly regarding show topics, quality of the show and what I can do to make my show better. My dream would be to get paid to do what I truly enjoy!
I would be happiest if I can finally improve some of the backend pieces of the podcast publishing part. Other then that I’m in a good groove of putting out content that people seem to really like and find helpful and I want to keep it going.
As little negative feedback on Burghseyeview. Steel City Resistance is a controversy magnet so it’s fine there. The audience must continue to grow for both shows and I have to continue to enjoy getting behind the microphone and in front of the camera. I enjoy both and as I said earlier “working” with some great folks and having the best interactive fans keeps the trains rolling down the track. I could only list one url for this blog so here is Burghseyeview http://burghseyeview.com
I need consistency and follow through. If I can consistently produce my podcast and offer my audience at least half of what I’m inspired to offer them, I’d be beyond ecstatic. Last year I barely published 5 episodes. I’m completely embarrassed about that. I started in 2006 publishing weekly!
I know if I publish consistently everything else will fall into place. If I cannot commit to my own podcast there is no way I can grow in the ways that I’d like to and no reason for my audience to commit to me.
We’ll check back sooner than later to see how all those intentions/goals/wishes are going. May we commit to podcasting and may we get the support that we desire in 2013!
How about you?
What would rock your podcasting world in 2013? Share below!
Image credit via CC Free Four Teens Jumping in Parking Lot Creative Commons by Pink Sherbet Photography