This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Robert from The Short Storiess Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
I started in 2005 and published a podcast with over 100 episodes.
Why did you start podcasting?
I love producing a show. It comes from my days in radio.
What’s your show about?
The show is about short stories in the horror, mystery, and the macabre, genres featuring authors like Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft and others.
I read the story in it’s entirety and comment on the story and author.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
I use Adobe Audition recording software on a Mac Mini with a Mackie 402-VLZ–3 mixer, a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface, a CAD EQUITEK E100S Microphone, and a Adam F5 studio monitor.
How have you promoted your podcast?
Poorly, need help. I can produce a podcast, but I’m not savvy on social media, SEO etc.
If any podcaster need a Voice Over for a Show intro, segment intro or whatever I will record a short intro if in return they run my show promo.
If you dig horror and mystery stories this podcast is for you! Give it a go and subscribe!
If you have an idea that needs to be voiced, we’d love to help you get started with your podcast. Host your media with us!