This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Anna from The Entertainment Industry Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
Launched March 15, 2014, we have listeners in over 90 countries, 6 continents and have been listed in iTunes New & Noteworthy and What´s Hot section.
Why did you start podcasting
My Dad suggested it after hearing John Lee Dumas Entrepreneurs on Fire. We´re podcasters paradise members 🙂
What’s your podcast about
Entertainment Drive Thru is about the Entertainment Industry. “There is no guide to the entertainment industry” so Dan and Anna Zerin interview people in the industry to learn from their mistakes.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
We record through skype, edit through logic, upload through libsyn to itunes, stitcher, etc. We also upload episodes to soundcloud and youtube to get more audience.
We use social media and word of mouth to promote, although we are working on getting in touch with performing schools and putting up posters and flyers there.
How have you promoted your podcast?
We tried facebook ads but it didn´t work for us. I use mailchimp to gather people for the newsletter and send to interviewees as well. For website we use PlayCast theme by Joey Kissimme, i´ve listened to Amy Porterfield advice for facebook.
For social media putting wisdom pictures (Quote from guest on their picture) works best, make sure you tag the guest.
I´ve also been trying out click to tweet, but i do THE BASIC manually, put in “@GUEST twitter name, ”awesome interview on @YOURSHOW…. LINK”, good to keep track 😛
If you have suggestions let me know 😛
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I wish I knew how to get listeners and enough monetizations to live off it. It´s a challenge.
Not as easy as John Lee Dumas says it is 😛
Wish I had a business person to take care of all that so we could just do the interviews and PR for it!
Aaaaah the entertainment industry. You know you’ve always wanted a guide! How’s about it peeps? If you’re interested, do subscribe to the Entertainment Drive Thru!
You can also connect to the show via Twitter, Facebook and Sticher!
If your Dad suggests that you podcast, we’d be super happy to [help you out][here]!