Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Inspiration with Val

podcast with Valerie

This series is all about libsyn’s newest podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!

Q & A with Val from Inspiration with Val

When did you start podcasting?

I started podcasting mid-December 2013.

Why did you start podcasting, and what’s your show about?

I LOVED podcasts for a long time before I started my own – listening to podcasts truly changed my life!!!  And I wanted to create a show that I would want to listen to.

Essentially I interview inspiring individuals from all walks of life, ranging from millionaire entrepreneurs to cancer survivors to award winning authors, pro athletes, and more.

I also have solo episodes where I talk about tips and strategies that I have used with clients in my role as a therapist and now as a life coach.  I believe that inspiration can be found in various different places, and I feel so honored to be able to speak to my inspirational guests!

What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.

I use E-cam call recorder for my Skype audio interviews, and I edit in Garage Band on my MacBook Air.

How have you promoted your podcast?

I promote my podcast heavily on social media, namely Facebook and Twitter.

What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?

I wasted a lot of time editing, when I now know you don’t have to cut out all of the “ums” that you and your guest say.  Now I don’t edit at all, and it’s a huge time saver 🙂

We all need a little inspiration here and there no? It’d be nice to have Val help out when those dreaded times come around so subscribe!.

And in case you want a little bit more from Val, check out her awesome website!

If you’ve had podcasts change your life and you wanna dive in and join the instigators, do consider hosting your media with us!

Extraordinary Podcasting For All

Use code “creator” for up to 2 months free when you start podcasting or move to Libsyn.

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