This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Mallory from Marketing Magic
When did you start podcasting?
I started podcasting in June 2018 — after sitting on it for way too long! I waited until last month to hire out the editing and to anyone still holding on to editing to save money – don’t! It’s just a relief and ease of burden to not have to do the editing yourself.
Why did you start podcasting?
I am a writer by nature (journalism major and newspaper journalist originally), but my perfectionism would totally derail me when it came time to create content for my business.
I fell in love with podcasts because I could consume content quickly without having to watch a video. When a favorite podcast of mine did live strategy sessions, it turned on a lightbulb for me and I knew it would be a marketing trifecta: giving me exposure, quick content I couldn’t agonize over and a way to provide killer content that also gave my listeners a real-time looked at how I helped female entrepreneurs.
What’s the name of your show and what is it about?
My podcast is Marketing Magic, and it’s where I break down scary topics about how to grow your business and get in front of new audiences down so anyone can do it — and everyone can get noticed.
I love to tell people: you don’t suck at marketing, people just don’t know you exist, and that’s a problem we can easily fix! On the show I do live on air marketing strategy sessions answering an entrepreneur’s biggest questions on marketing their biz, to solo episodes on the how-to parts of marketing and bring on guest experts who are killing it in an area of marketing already to teach my audience how to do what they’re doing.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
I use the Blue Sowball mic on a scissor stand and boom arm, with Garageband for solo episodes and Zoom for interviews. I use Acuity for all of my scheduling and Trello to manage the workflow and my editing team.
How have you promoted your podcast?
I have guests come on and promote their episode, I run Facebook traffic to top episodes, I promote it across all social media channels, send out trainings to my list, give out recommendations for people needing to get started and asking others to share their favorite episodes with others.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I wish I knew to just dive straight in and be ok figuring out the rest as I go. There is such magic in podcasting and the connections and collaborations it creates. Fear and getting in my head kept me from promoting it more from the start and really using it as such a tool in my business.
All of you that are all freaked out about marketing, raise your hand and subscribe to this show! TODAY
And if you wanna take action on being seen* go ahead and join Mallory for a 30 day visibility challenge!*
If you are feeling that it’s time for you to start your podcast we would love to host your show! We have powerful podcast hosting plans for you to get going, and if you need a bit more of the how to podcast, we also offer a free monthly Podcasting Quickstart!