This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Stacy from She’s Building Her Empire
When did you start podcasting?
I started podcasting in January 2016.
Why did you start podcasting?
I started podcasting because I wanted to expand my brand and my messaging. I fell in love with listening to other podcasts and I always imagined having my own podcast.
What’s the name of your show and what is it about?
My show is called, She’s Building Her Empire with Stacy Tuschl.
The podcast is all about business growth, marketing strategies, work life balance, following your purpose and blazing the trail to build or expand your business empire.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
My podcasting set-up is pretty simple!
I use a Blue Yeti Microphone that records directly to Zencastr where my audio is stored.
This is also connected to my Dropbox account where I can save and organize my podcast audio. After that, the audio is taken into Screenflow where we add other audio clips including the intro/outro and any sponsorships or promotions.
How have you promoted your podcast?
Social media channels are huge for promoting the podcast including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.
Each episode is shared in the She’s Building Her Empire Facebook group where we have over 10,000 members so I will go live and give a little snapshot what this week is about.
I’ve also done over 75 interviews on other podcasts and I always make sure to mention my show. Another place we do promotions is our email list where we have a weekly email for each new podcast episode.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I wish I would have tracked my numbers when I first started. It can be really hard not getting immediate feedback on an episode when it goes live.
With batching episodes and having them air months later not knowing how people will respond!
When we track our numbers weekly it helps us remember how many people are listening, that people really enjoy it and it reminds me why I started this podcast!
If you are someone that’s looking to build your empire, this is your show! Subscribe TODAY! Stacy also has this super helpful PDF on how to get more dream clients quickly!
Do you feel like it’s time to expand your brand and your message? Why not start a podcast? We would love to host your show! If you happen to need a bit more help getting started we have a free monthly Podcasting Quickstart.