This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Brent from Solving Sounds
When did you start podcasting?
September of 2018.
Why did you start podcasting?
It felt like a truly free medium where you could do exactly what you wanted and express yourself exactly how you are.
It also seemed like a great excuse to get people in the same room as me so I could ask them everything I’ve wanted to know about them (my podcast is mainly interviews)
What’s the name of your show about and what is it about?
I’m a musician who always felt like I took short cuts or figured things out in weird ways, or just generally felt like a fraud and I wondered if other musicians felt the same way.
I thought it would be really interesting for other musicians and music lovers to hear how people figured out how to play instruments, write their own songs, be in bands with other people, play shows, and record albums.
I struggled with a name for awhile. At first, I was throwing around ideas like “How to be a Musician” or “The Demystified Musician” but it wasn’t striking the right tone with me.
I didn’t want to come off like I had all the answers. I came around to Solving Music, but when I was talking to my graphic designer friend who made my logo, he suggested Solving Sounds.
It definitely had a better ring to it, so that was that!
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
My setup was always geared towards recording music, so I probably don’t have the most traditional or logic setup for podcasting. I run SM7B mics through a Scarlett FocusRite interface into Logic Pro X.
How have you promoted your podcast?
I ran an Overcast campaign that I thought was very successful. It was only $50 dollars and I got 42 subscribers which is a victory for me! I’m currently trying a Spotify campaign since that audience is already interested in music, but that doesn’t seem to be going as well. Other than that, just promoting on social media: Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I wish I hadn’t waited for everything to be perfect and had just gotten started earlier. It will never be perfect, so just get on with it!
How about it, musician? Are you up for listening to a show that is all about the musician process, creativity and great conversation? It’s time to subscribe to the show!
If you are a musician looking to start a podcast we have incredibly hosting plans for your show! Also, we know you know all about audio production but the whole podcasting tech thing could be foreign to you – make sure you attend one of our FREE Podcasting QuickStarts!