This series is all about Libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Alex from The Angry Beards
When did you start podcasting?
We started 02–26–14 with our first show.
It was rough going, at first, but we got the hang of it, figured out how to use sound editing software and Garageband…still haven’t quite figured out how to turn on the microphones…
Why did you start podcasting?
That’s a helluva question.
It was 31:46 into episode #24 of Walking The Room with Dave Anthony and Greg Behrendt that first got me into podcasting.
I’ll remember that joke till the day I die and it will ALWAYS haunt me!
Knowing that you can get away with saying something SO filthy and funny and still have people listen to it made me realize that my sense of humor isn’t all THAT out there and people might want to hear what I have to say!
What’s your show about?
I wouldn’t say we’re ABOUT anything, really.
We enjoy each others company and people have told us our conversations are funny to listen to, so we just started recording them!
As our listener base grew, more local interest in the show grew and we started interviewing local business owners and that eventually landed us a couple of sponsors!
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
OK, a Digital Marantz PMD660 is our main recorder, mostly because it’s so versatile and easy to move around.
We use two regular Shure SM58s with AudioTechnica pop screens and desktop mic stands.
We used to use condenser mics, but we record in my garage and they were WAY too sensitive, people don’t need to hear the crickets in my yard!
After we get everything recorded onto the Marantz, I upload the files to Audacity to compress and edit out the parts that we don’t want.
Audacity is free and easier to use than Garageband (IMO). I upload the Audacity-edited Mp3s to GarageBand to add music and make sure everything all comes together right and then we send it to Libsyn!
How have you promoted your podcast?
Oh, jeez!
How have we NOT promoted!
Posters, stickers, flyers, twitter, facebook (personal AND a show page), live shows, giveaways, we’ve been on other shows, we try to stay on top of new apps, too. Periscope lets you tweet live video, so we are going to start doing that pretty soon.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Editing takes a while to get the hang of, but it’s invaluable to have good audio quality.
You may not be able to hear the imperfections when you’re working on your show, but make sure to listen to it WITH SOME EARBUDS IN before you publish it!
Every. single. time. I’ve had listeners complain about the bumper music being WAY too loud before. I couldn’t tell while I was listening through my computer speakers. Get a good audio editor and learn the basics!
Really. How could you NOT fall in love with that name of this podcast? And of course why in the world would you NOT wanna listen? And subscribe of course 😉
If you wanna hook up with the mighty Angry Beards, you can do so via Facebook and/or Twitter. I’m sure they’ll be happy to hear from you. Tell them we sent you!
OMGOSH!!! And guess what? They just had Marc Maron on their show! Can you believe that???? Check out their super famous episode here.
If you’ve been inspired by another podcast, and you simply feel like you can absolutely do it too, we are super happy to support you! We’d love to host your files.