This series is all about libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with The CareerLab
When did you start podcasting?
I started Podcasting three years ago 2016. Even though I have been listening to podcasts long before that.
I have always wanted to create a podcast but could never make the time to make it happen for me. It wasn’t until I met a client that said they wished they could podcast that I stepped in and said; let’s do it!
Why did you start podcasting?
I started podcasting because of a need to help a client get into podcasting. They had no idea technically what it took to make a podcast, but they had great content. Thats when I knew the time was right to step into podcasting.
What’s the name of your show and what is it about?
The name of the show is: The CareerLab Podcast with Americas Career Councilor, Julie Lacroix and executive coach Joel Siegel PhD – or quite simply: The CareerLab Podcast.
Nothing is more important than finding meaningful work you can build a life with. CareerLab Podcast is an audio plethora of insight and information to help you launch a career you’ll love.
Eliminate the confusion and frustration of bad advice from the internet, or misinformation from well-intentioned friends and parents.
The CareerLab podcast is authored by America’s Career Counselor, Julie LaCroix. She is an expert career counselor who has helped thousands of adults just like you select and activate fulfilling careers.
If you are stuck in a career you don’t like, or are confused about how to even get one started; welcome to the Career Lab, a podcast featuring the real life clients of America’s Career Counselor, Julie LaCroix.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
The podcast setup has really evolved in the past three years from two ATR–2100 mics recording into a Tascam DR–60DMKII 4-Channel Portable Audio Recorder to what it is now: the same AT–2100 mics but now there are 4 of these mics with 4 Sony MDR 7506 headphones plugged into a RØDECaster Pro, Apple MacBook Pro and and Apple iPhone.
We have utilized Libsyn since day one and that was a great move to be able to host without problems no matter how many things change technically we know that the podcast will always be available to our listeners at all platforms.
And editing is done on the MacBook Pro with Adobe Audition software. We have a very systematic approach to how the podcast will be recorded and produced so that takes most of the work out of the equation and we can just get down to recording our guests and giving our listeners great CareerLab content.
How have you promoted your podcast?
We have not really promoted our podcast but we will eventually.
Right now things are going swimmingly, the client is building the value of CareerLab by doing live group consulting and spreading the word of the podcast there, plus she is writing a book and of course the podcast will be mentioned there and she still runs a personal practice at her office in Orange County California and all of her clients know about the podcast there.
So; even though we are not actively promoting (paying to promote) we are building value of content surrounding the podcast and when we do start promoting, the podcast will become a great resource to any person who listens and we believe that will be when any active promoting will be leveraged into action.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
One word: Libsyn. We were VERY lucky to have been with Libsyn from the start. I see so many podcasts fade away just from the recording technical issues but when they finally get traction and they are not on Libsyn and have to change hosts because their current hosting site can’t do what it needs to do; it really throws that podcast into a downward spiral.
We were very lucky and happy to have been with Libsyn from the start. When we grow our podcast one thing we don’t have to worry about is being able to put our work to our listeners and get out reports and a place to call home for our CareerLab podcast.
It takes a lot of WORK from MANY people to get EACH episode online and if it can’t reach the listener – ALL IS LOST. Thank you Libsyn for always getting us through that most important last hurdle.
Are you changing careers? Geting bored with your job? Feeling super stuck in how to get out of your existing career/job? You need to subscribe and listen to The CareerLab!
If you feel like you are ready to start a podcast and want to make sure that you do it the best way possible, why not host your podcast on Libsyn? We would love to have you be part of the Libsyn family! And if you need a bit of help getting started, we have a FREE Podcasting Quickstart every single month – learn to podcast with us!