This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Sharizan from The Play On Ultra
When did you start podcasting?
The first episode of The Play On Ultra Podcast was launched on June 9th 2015.
Why did you start podcasting?
I loved loved loved listening to podcasts.
And not just gaming podcasts. I’ve always wanted to be an online content creator so I decided to try my hand at creating YouTube videos as well as a podcast.
What’s your show about?
It’s a gaming podcast that has evolved as time went on.
We started out choosing a couple of topics to talk about for each episode and it has become into a more conversational type of podcast where we just have fun talking about the latest happenings, any major topics and just plain having a fun time talking to each other.
We are also very very funny, people with weak hearts, be forewarned.
We also have guests on, mostly indie game developers and other podcasters.
They usually get a special episode of their own or join in on the main show and talk about their game and we take the opportunity to get more insight into the gaming industry.
We have different perspectives as the four main crew members come from the States, UK, Canada and me (Shar) Malaysia. Our different interests in gaming and upbringing made it so we always have differing opinions about a topic.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
We each have solid to good desktop mics as we all make videos on YouTube or stream on Twitch.
Mic gain settings are depending on the mics you use (I use the Blue Snowball and I generally have to increase my mic gain to about 0.85 but better mics can use lower gain numbers)
We communicate via Skype and everyone records using Audacity on their side.
A countdown is used to sync up the audios.
I also record the Skype window everyone else’s audio using Open Broadcast Software (OBS) to be uploaded onto YouTube (it also serves as a backup in case anything goes wrong with the individual audio files but of course lacks the quality but it isnít too bad)
All post-editing is done using Audacity.
We use the Normalize and Remove Noise functions of Audacity. These can be found under Effect.
I then use Adobe Audition to combine all the audios and to put in the intro outro music.
Our episodes are rendered at 40kbps, mono at 44100Hz.
I tag our episodes using iTunes.
The website uses WordPress and a free theme called Tesseract.
How have you promoted your podcast?
We have used Facebook and Twitter mostly but apart from the usual posting of episodes and other related stuff on the social media accounts then sharing them with our personal accounts, we also use Reddit.
On Reddit, I will post any relevant episodes into a niche subreddit (a subreddit for a particular game or console rather than a huge subreddit focusing on all types of gaming).
I’ve also done some game giveaways on Reddit while promoting the podcast at the same time. Listening to the podcast is never a prerequisite to join the giveaway.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I wish I wouldn’t have sweated over the small stuff when doing post editing.
Back during our first few episodes, I would listen to the entire thing while editing in Audition and cut out the 1–2 second silences.
This took such a long time since our episodes are generally an hour and a half to two hours long. I decided to stop doing that and our episodes now sound more natural and I save loads of time.
Podcasting have been awesome and while we are not super huge by any means, we truly enjoy doing it and being able to talk and meet the indie developers and other guests have been awesome! Didn’t expect to forge relationships when starting this up.
Looking for some fun conversation around video games! We’ve got your show! You must subscribe to The Play On Ultra in iTunes.
You can also follow the on Twitter, Facebook and of course YouTube! They do some great reviews and gaming videos there!
If you feel the need to start your podcast, you absolutely need to host your media with us and get going!