This series is all about libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Blaine from The SafetyPro Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
I started The SafetyPro Podcast back in 2014.
Why did you start podcasting?
I felt that my time on the road as a corporate consultant was reaching the point that I was considering hanging up my hat, and podcasting was a natural way for me to continue to share my knowledge and experiences with other professionals as I transitioned back into the corporate world of workplace safety.
What’s the name of your show and what is it about?
The SafetyPro Podcast is all about helping safety professionals manage workplace safety one episode at a time.
No guru speak or sage talk, just practical, real-world actionable information listeners can use right away.
What’s your podcasting set-up?
I use a MacBook Pro 16 running Adobe Audition CC connected to one of my two HEiL PR40 XLR microphones run through a Steinberg UR22 Mixer.
It is a perfect mobile kit as well, as I have done several safety conferences – the mixer is USB (phantom power) and allows for in-person interviews.
I have hosted my podcast with Libsyn from DAY ONE! I no longer need a WordPress site, all that additional editing and publishing since Libsyn provides an incredible Podcast Web Page as a part of my service package.
It allows me to write long-form blogs to go with each episode, add images, links – everything in one place so I can focus on what is important!
How have you promoted your podcast?
The early days promoting was primarily word of mouth, as most podcasts are promoted!
These days, the podcast has a page set up on all the major social media channels like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and I recently launched a membership site to further develop my relationship with listeners.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
The long game!!!
Everyone says it, like they know it. But I do not think most podcasters fully appreciate that concept. I see many that get attention out of the gate due to being new.
Maybe in the first year or two (often less) – the honeymoon phase. But once that is over, and three or four more podcasts started in the same category, the trick is staying consistent to the WHY you started, providing value and focusing less on the outside game and more on the inside game – your listeners!
Doing gimmicky things to get attention, always going for the promotional acts are all a distraction.
Having done this since 2014, not even the early days of podcasting, but certainly a lot different than today taught me patience, vigilance and staying true to the WHY I started in the first place. That takes time and it is paying off!
Blaine J. Hoffmann knows workplace safety. His Podcast The SafetyPro Podcast helps the people in charge of placing safety solutions in their industry. His comedic and practical approach can help anyone to hear tips about working safely. Listen to his podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
When Blaine started his podcast The SafetyPro Podcast he had no idea that people were looking for no nonsense advice about workplace safety. He used his 25+ years of being a safety expert to create an engaging podcast that can help anyone. You can use your expertise to help others as well, try it out, create a podcast about the things you know.
We can help! Get started with our Start Your Podcast blog series. If you are ready, we have the best podcast hosting plans around!