This series is all about libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Andre from The CherryPickin Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
I started podcasting more regularly in 2018.
Why did you start podcasting?
I’ve always loved audio production.
I graduated from Illinois State University (’09) with a bachelor’s in broadcast journalism but found myself working in an entirely different field post graduation.
I started podcasting as a hobby which has helped me stay creative.
What’s the name of your show and what is it about?
I host two shows on Libsyn. THE CHERRYPICKIN PODCAST officially launched in 2018.
This is a show where I provide college football predictions and analysis during each week of the fall season.
And In 2021, I launched THE EVERYTHING ELSE PODCAST where I discuss anything and everything pop-culture related!
What’s your podcasting set up?
We use:
- Audio-Technica AT2020 microphone
- USB Microphone Kit 192KHZ/24BIT Plug & Play MAONO AU-A04 USB Computer Cardioid Mic Podcast Condenser Microphone with Professional Sound, Chipset
- Apple MacBook Pro (for recording)-Garage Band (for recording/editing)
Also ZOOM is a great tool for podcasting with guests virtually. It allows you the opportunity to record and save audio and video files which I export to GarageBand for further editing.
How have you promoted your podcast?
I self promote a lot on Twitter.
I take advantage of when Libsyn sends the weekly tweet (every Friday) for podcast creators to self promote our shows.
I also have my own merchandise including stickers which I like to distribute whenever I’m on the go.
In the past, I’ve also been a part of podcast networks which helped grow my podcast audience.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I wish I knew how much time, energy, and money I’d spend on podcasting which to some, may be viewed as a deterrent, but I genuinely love this medium.
I enjoy all aspects of podcasting.
I love research, writing, podcasting, editing, and promotion.
It’s funny, the actual podcasting of each episode is only a small piece of what I do to maintain my shows.
It’s a labor of love. I am hopeful that someday I can turn this passion project into a career.
I created CHERRYPICKIN ENTERTAINMENT with that end goal in mind.
Today I host my two shows. In the future I’d like to expand into other areas of entertainment.
Andre came out of college to follow a career he was not expecting. The CherryPickin Podcast has given him a creative platform that he needed. Sports, talent and lots of opinions. Listen to Andre’s podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Andre is sharing his passion for reporting and sports in The CherryPickin Podcast. He loves to share his knowledge and point of view in this informative podcast. Do you have a unique perspective on a subject you are passionate about. Start a podcast! We can help! Get started with our Start Your Podcast blog series. If you are ready, we have the best podcast hosting plans around!