This series is all about libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A’s with Mike from Scuttlepuck
When did you start podcasting?
June 26, 2014
Why did you start podcasting?
Started listening to hockey podcasts, then some others and thought, “I could do that.” Jeff Marek of the Marek vs. Wyshinski podcast also kept saying on his show, that if you think you want to do a podcast, just do it.
So we did.
I met my co-host through a business networking event – he does voiceover work and I thought, here is the perfect opportunity – he knows the technical side more than I and we’re both hockey fans, so let’s give it a go. We recorded episode 64 this weekend.
What’s your show about?
The Scuttlepuck Podcast is about hockey – mainly the NHL but we’ll discuss anything related to hockey and also do some tangents onto other topics from time to time.
What’s your podcasting set-up?
I used to have a Blue Nessie but just switched to an Audio Technica 2100 USB mic.
The Nessie had a connection problem that caused it to crackle, but I also found it picked up way too much noise, considering I don’t have a proper studio.
We use Audacity to record and produce each episode.
Pete uses a Rode NT1A mic with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Audio Interface.
We have recently trialled Call Recorder for recording guests on Skype.
How have you promoted your podcast?
Twitter, Facebook, and recently joined the Tangent Bound podcast network.
The rest is word of mouth.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Not much, but I think the benefit of engaging with other podcasters – not just for exposure and promotion but for the great ideas and the sense of community it gives.
We’ve spoken with some great folks who we never would have met if not for the podcast so I wish we had reached out sooner.
Are you ready to just start your podcast? They we’d be so happy to host your media files!
And if you are Hockey fan, you do need to subscribe to the Scuttlepuck Podcast. It’s a no brainer.
If you wanna touch base with the podcast via Facebook and with Mike and Pete via Twitter!