This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Jen from The Sick Mom’s Guide
When did you start podcasting?
February, 2018
Why did you start podcasting?
In 2014 I was hospitalized 6 times for a week or more each time. I had 5 kids at home, 2 preschoolers and 3 teenagers.
I kept searching for ways to be the parent I wanted to be, or how to parent at all, when I couldn’t get out of bed, but couldn’t find anything.
In 2016 I was still searching & my husband told me that I was the one who was supposed to create it.
I started a blog in 2016, wrote a book called, “The Sick Mom’s Guide to Having Fun Again: If I can do it you can too” in 2017.
In 2018 I realized that the best way to reach my audience is through podcasting and started in February.
What’s the name of your show about and what is it about?
The Sick Mom’s Guide Podcast is a voice for moms with chronic illness. I share the lessons I’ve learned along the way on my parenting journey.
I’ve had a long journey too – 7 kids ages 7–29!
I also have women come on the show who are moving forward, in a positive direction, even though their bodies are pushing back as inspiration and to teach the rest of us how to make things better.
I’ve had 2 men on the show because they’re amazing in what they do, but it’s mostly women.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
I use a Rode NT-USB that my son gave me with a MacBook Air. I edit in Garage Band before running it through Auphonic to clean it up a bit. I’m doing it on the cheap for now.
How have you promoted your podcast?
Posting to social media helps get the word out, but I honestly don’t like social media. I’m working on getting some help for that.
I’d like to do some paid promotion, but my medical expenses use up our extra income right now.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
I wish I’d started by blocking time each day to work on the podcast and promotion. Editing at midnight for a show that’s getting released at 3am isn’t fun at all, and this should be fun.
Also, I created a content calendar, but didn’t follow it at all in the beginning. As a result, my first season is a mishmash of stuff that isn’t cohesive.
I decided to do a second “season” to make things look cleaner, and I’ve been doing month-long series to help it look better.
If you’d like to connect with Jen and the Sick Mom’s Guide you can do so via Twitter, Facebook, The Chronically Positive Moms Group on FB and Instagram.
And of course if you or one that you love is a chronically ill Mom subscribe or share!
According to Jen “The Book The Sick Mom’s Guide isn’t just for sick moms. It’s for any mom, or parent who’s sick & tired of being sick & tired. It’s written in a way that’s easy to skim and jump right to what you need, so you can have fun again, and we all need more fun! There are over 225 things to do listed there & you don’t need much energy to do any of them. There’s a list of 100 things to do with your kids, 50 of them if you can’t get out of bed or off the couch.”
If you are someone that is going through something that needs to be communicated or necessitates community, consider creating a podcast! We’d love to host your show!