This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Dan and Bill from Trek Geeks
When did you start podcasting?
We began podcasting in late January, 2015. We’re fast approaching our One Year Podiversary!
Why did you start podcasting?
Dan: “Bill told me I had to.”
Bill: “We’ve been talking about Star Trek for 20 years and having fun doing it. It just seemed to make sense to turn it into a podcast. Oh, and because I told Dan he had to.”
What’s your show about?
Star Trek has always been a mirror for humanity and, while our show is about Star Trek, in many ways it’s about our long friendship, too.
It’s a mix of discussion, reviews, interviews…and occasionally Bill subjects Dan to a round of “Stump the Geek.”
With over 700 hours of television series and 12 movies, there is ALWAYS something to talk about and we always have fun.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
We record with Dan in Maine and Bill in New Hampshire.
We use an online meeting like Skype or Zoom to talk and we record in Audacity for Windows, normalize in Levelator, and then MP3s are encoded in iTunes
(Thanks Rob & Elsie!).
Our website is run on WordPress, but our RSS is all Libsyn (as it should be).
How have you promoted your podcast?
Mostly using Social Media.
We post a lot on Twitter, and we use targeted, manual posts in related Facebook groups to spread the word. We are, however, open to suggestion and the best practices of other podcasters.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
We wish that we had stumbled across The Feed sooner rather than later!
There is so much BAD information out there from other sources, and we truly appreciate everything we’ve learned from everyone at Libsyn.
It’s helped us streamline our workflow and produce a better end product for our listeners.
What we’re promoting
We just hit our 50th episode in which we took an unpopular view on a beloved episode of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”
We’ve recently just sat down with actor Vic Mignogna to talk about the acclaimed web series, “Star Trek Continues!” In 2016, we’ll also be debuting an audio documentary on our set visit to that popular web series.
We’re also collecting the stories of Star Trek fans for our Trek50 campaign! We want to know about the first time people watched Star Trek and what made then a fan. We’ll collect all of those stories and release them as a special episode of Trek Geeks in September for Star Trek’s 50th Anniversary!
There you have it people! Are you a Star Trek fan? OR are you human? Then you must subscribe to Trek Geeks!. You won’t regret it and you might just grow as a human being 😉
Feel free to connect with Trek Geeks on Twitter or Facebook!
If you have a passion for Star Trek or any other series and you feel like you’ll explode if you DON’T, then by golly start a podcast! We would LOVE to host your media!