This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Bo from Winnipeg’s Real Estate Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
I ‘toyed’ with podcasting back in around 2010, but really just came back to it recently. I have episodes on iTunes dating back about 3 years now.
Why did you start podcasting?
I have been blogging since around 2008, and was looking for a different way to connect with potential clients. I felt (and still feel today) that many people prefer to listen to information as opposed to read it.
Also, with everyone’s lives getting busier, we can listen in the car on the way to work, but reading an article while driving is frowned upon…☺
What’s your show about?
I am a residential real estate agent with a local REMAX office, and my podcast is about answering questions for home and condo buyers and sellers in any market.
I will feature home renovation advice and tips, real estate news updates, tips for buying and selling, etc.
I believe what will set our podcast apart is the fact that each episode is relatively short, usually under 5 minutes. Just the facts ma’am!, not a lot of extraneous chatter.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
I’ve always used Garage Band on my Mac Pro. Shoutout to Apple here, loving my Mac and still using the same one since 2007. Garage Band is very easy to use.
For recording equipment, I’m using a Rode Podcaster microphone with a pop filter, and Jensen headphones.
Nothing fancy, the Rode is a USB mic which plugs directly into the computer….no muss, no fuss.
BSWUSA is a great site for all your podcasting needs.
For the podcast website I recently switched to Appendipity Theme, Podcaster PRO.
My audio podcast episodes had been with another host, but that was recently switched to Libsyn when I discovered their incredible list of services and extra’s.
A big one is the development of my own Podcast App, which is in the works now, and should be in the Apple App Store and Google Play in about 3 weeks.
How have you promoted your podcast?
I really have not done much in the way of promotions. Recently now, I’ve created a 30 second promo which has been submitted to a few podcasts.
I believe the Apple and Google Apps will help in this area. Other than that, I’m certainly open to suggestions.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
How much help there is available in learning podcast techniques. And how good libsyn is in their hosting service!
Been wanting fast answers about Real Estate? Winnipeg’s Real Estate Podcast is the one for you! Don’t delay and subscribe!.
You an also connect with Bo on Twitter or Facebook
Do you feel that your business can benefit from having a podcast? Do it! We’d love to host your media!