Todd Cochrane and his Podcast Awards gave out some pretty interesting data in his Podcast Union Address.
Here are some numbers that he mentioned taken from 4400 shows
7% Had non branded sites
93% Had branded podcast sites. Yeay!
37% Made folks dig for a podcast. Where is it?
44% no play or download the show
22% of video podcast did not have a video embed (and some were still using flash)
80% of video podcasters where only using YouTube but had no way to subscribe via a feed.
27% had invalid RSS feeds
21% had an RSS icon on the site
23% had an RSS buried in their site
56% did not have an RSS feed anywhere on the site
83% did have an iTunes link
23% had a Stitcher
31% Still have a Feedburner image
30% had an email
12% had a newsletter opt-in
15% had a call in number for the show
95% of sites had their own .com
92% were using WordPress
82% had less than 1 paragraph of show notes
71% audio only
15% video only
32% audio/video + blog posts
29% Audio + video + blog posts
26% mobile phone ready
Weekly shows grow 69% faster
Audio, video and blogging shows grow at a 42% higher rate
How about that?
What do you guys think about this data?