This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Ryan Urlacher from The Law Abiding Biker Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
I recorded my first Law Abiding Biker Podcast episode on March 16, 2013. I recorded the first three episodes by myself in my daughter’s closet (sound room) with nothing more than my iPad mini, the Bossjock App, and a Blue Snowball condenser mic.
I loved podcasting so much and was blessed enough, that I was able to order some professional equipment. I pieced all the equipment out over the internet and got the best deals I could. By episode 4 I had all my professional podcasting equipment up and running and have had co-host(s) every since! We now have 27 episodes out!
Why did you start podcasting?
I am currently a full time 18 year veteran Law Enforcement Officer, but on the side I built and developed several law enforcement motorcycle club websites and others over the years. I also filmed and produced several videos and dabbled with blogging.
I had always tried to keep up on social media and marketing. I had been listening to podcasts for years and I was always absolutely amazed at how different podcasting is compared to all the other social media platforms.
I could see how it was much more personal than other platforms and I felt that! I always thought that I would take on podcasting, but was waiting for the right time I guess?
My passion is motorcycles and the lifestyle. I ride a Harley Davidson Street Glide Special. I am currently the President of the Sworn Few Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club.
My niche was staring me straight in the face, so I reached out and finally grabbed it. I wanted to start a completely different sort of biker/motorcycle podcast. One that speaks to the motorcycle majority, which are called the 99%ers. The majority of bikers are good hard working law abiding citizens and they are being ignored if you ask me.
So I created what is now called Law Abiding Biker Podcast & Media! Of course I fired up my website, created a logo and brand, and all the other crazy things that go along with it. I also have many biker tutorial videos on YouTube and other video tutorials for sale on the website. I also write blogs on the website.
What is your show about?
The Law Abiding Biker Podcasts covers many things and we are very diverse. We talk about the world of motorcycling, trends, ride reviews, equipment reviews, law and issues, motorcycle clubbing, news, motorcycle television & media, app reviews, tech tips, and so much more.
We also produce special episodes in between regular episodes covering the hit FX Network television series Sons of Anarchy.
We speak to the motorcycling majority, the 99%ers. The majority of bikers are good hard working law abiding citizens and we create a platform for them.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc?
I record the podcast using a Mackie 802-VLZ3 mixer into a Roland R–05 digital recorder. I have an iMac with SoundByte (by Black Cat Systems) for my soundboard and pump that into my mixer.
I use a Heil PR–40 dynamic microphone with pop filter for myself and I have two Shure SM58’s with pop filters for my co-hosts. I have three pairs of Sony MDR–7506 headphones for myself and co-hosts. I use a splitter and run all three headphones straight out of the mixer.
I use WorkFlowy for all my show notes and email them to my co-hosts before recording day. I usually have WorkFlowy open on my iPad mini during the show to look at my WorkFlowy notes. That way I can dedicate my iMac to other things along with a second monitor.
I really don’t post edit the podcasts, as I think it is generally a waste of time, which I don’t have enough of. I record the episode just as I want them with all the proper levels, music, etcetera while we are recording, so I don’t have to post edit.
The only time I really have to post edit is if someone swears or something, but that is a rarity.
I take my raw .wav file from the show that was recorded right into my Roland R–05 digital recorder. I then drop it into nothing more than GarageBand and maybe trim the beginning while the crew and I were getting up and going.
I use no effects in garage band for the regular podcast. I then simply convert it to a MP3 using Garageband. I then use ID3 Tag Editor (from PA-Software) to tag my new MP3 file and I am done with that part.
I then upload my MP3 file to Libsyn, which is wear I house all my audio files.
The Law Abiding Biker website is a WordPress site hosted by HostGator. I write my detailed episode blog/show notes and use the PowerPress plugin by Blubrry to publish.
I use Feedburner as my main podcast feed to iTunes and all the other major podcast platforms. My website feed goes right into Feedburner and it pumps everything out from there.
We usually batch record several episodes when we get together, as I hate being behind. I don’t listen to my podcast episodes before I push them out to the listeners. I listen to a published episode during the the next day or two while working out or running.
How have you promoted your Podcast?
I use Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, & Youtube.
Not only do I put up tutorial videos on YouTube, but I also submit Vlogs reference what is going on. I often do Vlogs on upcoming content and episodes. In all my YouTube videos I promote the Law Abiding Biker Podcast. I have also posted promotional YouTube videos about the podcast and links to it.
All the social media platforms are very useful, but YouTube by far has worked out the best for me as far as promoting the podcast.
I ride thousands of miles a year on my Harley and am in many different states. Everywhere we stop I hang a Law Abiding Biker business card somewhere. I love talking with bikers from all over and of course I always mention the podcast and give them a business card.
I interact with our loyal listeners via all the social media platforms and via email. I try to keep things very personal, as that is the way I like things.
What do you know now that you wished you knew when you started?
The first thing I wished I knew is just how awesome of an experience it is to be in the studio recording an episode with co-hosts/friends! And then to listen to the episode that came out great! I would have started podcasting when I first started thinking about it and not waited had I truly known this.
Truly, the best part of podcasting to me is being in the studio and recording. All the work leading up to the show and after is not the fun part to me, but has to be done. Spitting out podcasts is where it is at!!
I wished I knew everything at the beginning of course and getting started would have been a breeze. I had nobody to assist me and nobody around me that knew anything about podcasting. After all, I work with a bunch of cops as my full time career and to say the least, there are not that many that are really tech savvy.
That’s not a put down, but just a fact of life. However, there are some that are very tech savvy, but few and far between. Many of them have trouble with Facebook – LOL.
It has been quite a learning process for me and I have had to figure much out on my own. I am very meticulous and have spent countless hours learning and educating myself and continue to do so. I won’t lie, I have had some very stressful times, especially in the beginning, trying to get up and going with glitches along the way, but that is what life is about, right? We push ourselves to be better and never get stale.
I am truly humbled by our loyal listeners and their involvement with Law Abiding Biker Podcast & Media! I have communicated with people from all over the world that listen to the podcast. Wow, if that isn’t humbling, I don’t know what is. To record an episode in my small home office, now turned podcast studio; and then people from all over the world can listen. That to me is still amazing and exciting!
99%er this is YOUR podcast, and it’s not to be missed, so why don’t you get on it and subscribe! Currently The Law Abiding Biker Podcast has a few awesome tutorial videos for sale ranging from routine maintenance on your Harley Davidson to installing a Dynojet Power Commander V to a complete “Boom Box” Infotainment System GPS Stereo tutorial.
Do you have a passion/hobby? Why not podcast about it? Stop wasting time, we’d love to host your media 🙂