This series is all about Libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Janet from Get Social Health
When did you start podcasting?
I launched my weekly show in June 2014
Why did you start podcasting?
I have been in marketing my whole career and a social media early adopter through my participation as President of the Triangle Interactive Marketing Association.
Because of my social media experience I was asked to deliver a series of educational webinars on social media for healthcare.
Through that experience I learned that healthcare was very slow to adopt social media due to fear of risk, potential HIPAA violations and a very late entry into digital marketing.
I love to teach and enjoyed writing and presenting the webinars but the audience was small.
Going into the way-back machine, I started my career as a radio DJ and morning show host after college so a podcast seemed to be taking my career full circle.
What’s your show about?
Get Social Health is about social media in healthcare.
I define it very broadly so my guests have been digital and health futurists, healthcare startups, marketing and social media professionals from hospitals, ad agencies and physician’s practices. I have also spoken to “ePatients”, physicians, nurses and other healthcare workers who have used social media.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
My technical expertise is just enough to get by so I had a podcasting friend, (Tim Arthur of the Helix Podcast) advise me on equipment.
He suggested I get the following equipment:
- Mackie VLZ4 Series Phantom Powered 8-Channel Analog Mixing Station, 802VLZ4
- Shure SM58-LC Cardioid Microphone
- Roland R–05 Studio WAVE/MP3 Recorder
I use Skype to connect to my guests and Audacity to edit.
I am fortunate to know a fabulous voice over artist, Donovan Corneetz, who recorded my intro and outro.
How have you promoted your podcast?
Twitter is my primary promotional avenue.
I am very active online in communities, tweet chats, and following specific hashtags in the space like #hcsm and #MCCSM.
I have also used Facebook and LinkedIn (both in groups and on my status updates) to promote the show.
When I attend conferences (like Mayo Clinic’s Social Media Week) I take my digital recorder and capture as many participants as I can giving me a “Social Media Tip” for the close of the show.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
My podcast falls into a niche which is slow to social media so was slow to catch on.
It can be frustrating to see huge numbers from the top 5% but the audience is growing and I don’t have a problem getting guests so all is good now.
Don’t compare your show’s performance to established podcasts or those that are launched by people with an established audience.
If you are in the healthcare industry and are looking for some social media knowhow – then you must subscribe to Get Social Health!
Janet has a great free opt-in in case you’re interested in “The 10 Most Common Facebook Mistakes”
Do you have a skill that a specific nook of the population can really benefit from why not podcast about it to expand your reach? If you do, we’d be happy to help you host your media!