This series is all about Libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Andrew from The Show Radio Media
When did you start Podcasting?
I started podcasting on August 2nd 2009, which is my wife’s birthday.
Why did you start Podcasting?
I was listening to a lot of shows at the time and I wanted to start journaling all of the stuff that I was consuming.
I wanted to have my own platform and after talking to one of my classmates, she asked me to check out the turnkey platform called Blog Talk Radio.
What is your show about?
In the beginning it was a journal. Now, The Show Radio Media is about forging intentional relationships while covering Tech, Gaming and Entertainment.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
Asus I3 laptop with Windows 7 and Ubuntu. I use an H2N microphone and Audacity/Audition.
How have you promoted your podcast?
I promote my podcast through the social channels (Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus). I also promote it through word of mouth and cross promote if I feature a podcaster on my show.
What do I know that I wish I knew when I started?
Always have a spiral bound notepad and pen so you can make notes.
Read “Art of Social” by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick.
Read “Platform” by Michael Hyatt.
Open up ITunes and whatever you are struggling with in your brand, find a podcast that will help you be better in that area.
SEO is important, don’t ignore it. If you run WordPress, install WordPress SEO by Yoast and search youtube for some tutorials to familiarize yourself with it.
Install a media player on your site. Podcast “on purpose” and don’t be afraid to pivot as you grow.
If you are interested in keeping up with solid and informative show that covers tech, gaming and entertainment it’s time that you subscribe to The Show Radio!
Have you recently started an audio journal and want to step it up into something more? We’d love to help you develop your platform with some solid media file hosting!