This series is all about Libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Craig from The Ingles Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
I started podcasting back in 2010, but the podcasts have only started to be any good (in my opinion) since I started podcasting with my friend and work colleague about 2 years ago.
Why did you start podcasting?
Because we teach English, we’ve always put sound files on our main website at to help students with listening and pronunciation.
I started adding sound files to our free monthly newsletter to help our students with the grammar and vocabulary exercises. At some point, I thought, ‘Why not publish these monthly exercises on iTunes as a podcast?’
What’s your show about?
Our main show aims to improve the listening, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and overall confidence and competence of Spanish speakers.
We help to take their English to the next level.
I also have two other shows. One is focused on helping students pass the Cambridge FCE exam.
The other is an interview-based show which focuses on providing listening practice, and also gives me an excuse to hunt down interesting English teachers and students and put them in the hot seat.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
Tascam DR–100 Mk II, Fetheads, 2 x Samson Q2Us. Audacity to edit, Levelator (checking out Auphonic, thanks to you Elsie ;-), WordPress, Genesis, Appendipity Podcast Pro Child Theme. Libsyn hosting.
How have you promoted your podcast?
We had a pretty wide fan base before we started podcasting. We’ve been one of the top sites for Spanish speakers learning English since 2001. So, we promote through our email list, our Facebook group, Twitter and our main site at
I also promote locally at my school and at teaching conferences.
Last week I gave a podcasting course to colleges who will be promoting to their students (promoting by word-of-mouth is pretty effective in Spain.)
In 2015, I plan to interview other teachers in my niche in order to reach their audience and introduce them to ours. I’m also planing on putting together a short compilation / audio trailer of ‘best bits’ from our main show and putting in on Facebook and Twitter via Soundcloud.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
Good question!
That I’d need more than 2 XLR inputs in my audio recorder (now I have to upgrade to the Zoom H6!)
That most people actually quite enjoy being interviewed, and that I shouldn’t feel that I’m inconveniencing them by asking them.
That I shouldn’t be afraid to take firm control of an interview if necessary (ie, politely cut the guest off or jump in if he/she is rambling, or ask for clarification if a guest’s answer isn’t clear.)
That podcasting with a co-host is not only a lot more entertaining for the listener, but it takes my personal enjoyment and satisfaction of podcasting to a much higher level.
Know anybody that’s looking to take their English speaking to the next level? Well then, have them subscribe to The Ingles Podcast!
If you have existing audio lessons or a teaching a class using a lot of audio why not distribute it as podcast? We’d love to host those files!