This series is all about Libsyn’s podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Scott from The Warriors Huddle Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
My co-host and I had talked about doing a podcast on the Golden State Warriors basketball team for a long time. But it wasn’t until December 2012 that we sat down at his dining room table and recorded our first episode of the Warriors Huddle with an iPhone sitting between us on the table.
The production quality was awful but after sharing it with a few friends, we realized we had created solid content and had good on-air chemistry.
So from there, we decided we had the ingredients for a good show and have been covering the Warriors ever since.
In early 2014, we linked up with, the number one Warriors fan site, to be a podcast component of their site.
Why did you start podcasting?
Basketball has always been a passion of ours and we love talking about the Warriors – not just from an X’s and O’s perspective but from an entertainment standpoint.
There are so many characters in the NBA that serve up comedy gold and there is always a good storyline to discuss. We found ourselves having fun conversations about these topics and realized there was a need for a podcast focusing on the Warriors from a fan’s perspective.
We wanted to create a show that didn’t take itself too seriously and had the freedom to cover topics and give opinions that mainstream sports talk radio can’t touch.
What’s your show about?
The Warriors Huddle is a podcast about Golden State Warriors and is done by Warriors fans for Warriors fans.
We have weekly episodes that cover the team’s latest games and discuss other notable events with the team and the NBA in general.
We often have a guest on the show.
Past guests have included members of Warriors management (Assistant GM Kirk Lacob), journalists (ESPN writer Ethan Sherwood-Strauss, San Francisco Chronicle columnist Ann Killion, radio and tv personality Matt Steinmetz, Bay Area News Group columnist Marcus Thompson, San Francisco Chronicle beat writer Rusty Simmons and’s Sports Director Sarah Todd), rapper/comedians (Simon Rex/Dirt Nasty) and former NBA players (Paul Shirley, who also hosted the Short Corner podcast).
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
Like a lot of podcasts, we have figured out how to create a quality show for cheap.
We record on a MacBook Pro using GarageBand and two usb Samson Meteor Mics.
When we have a guest who can’t record in person, we use the programs LineIn and Soundflower to route our audio into Skype and then out into two different tracks in GarageBand.
I have a background in film editing so I edit the audio tracks in Final Cut.
We host our audio on Libsyn and then the show gets picked up by iTunes and other podcast marketplaces from there.
How have you promoted your podcast?
Our podcast episodes are posted on the website, which is the largest Warriors fan site around and does an amazing job covering the team. We also use Twitter to let people know about new episodes and any show news.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
- Although amassing followers on Twitter and Facebook helps, nothing puts you directly in touch with your audience like email does.We wish we had gathered our listeners’ email addresses from the beginning so we had a better way to engage with them than just over social media.
- Good titles help. We used to begin our titles with the episode number, but our episodes are time-sensitive since they discuss the latest Warriors news.No one cares what episode number we’re on as much as they do about what that episode is going to be about. We started getting more listeners when we began using catchy titles and not episode numbers.
Well, if you’re a Golden State Warriors fan now you know where to go! Click on this link right here and subscribe to Warriors Huddle!
If you have a passion for sports and know you have a particular point of view that isn’t out there – start podcasting! We’d love to host your podcast!