This series is all about showcasing Libsyn podcasters. Its sole purpose is to introduce these awesome podcasts to the world as well as share their podcasting insight to empower the community!
Q & A with Chris from the BucsBrief Podcast
When did you start podcasting?
I started my first podcast in January of 2014 and published my first podcast in February of 2014.
It was something I jumped into pretty quickly, but made sure I did proper research on equipment, hosting, and other items to try and become as much of an expert as possible.
The research was something I took my time with, because I wanted to try and do things the “right way” from the start.
Obviously, as I’ve continued podcasting, I’ve learned even more and continue to tweak my show.
Why did you start podcasting?
Sports has always been something that I’ve been very passionate about. It was my dream as a child to one day be a sports broadcaster.
I felt that I had a talent as a knowledgable sports fan to produce quality content that people would enjoy listening to.
I also enjoy the creative outlet that podcasting brings me. It has been a very busy, but very rewarding experience.
What’s your show about?
The BucsBrief Podcast is centered around the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
I’ve been a fan of the team since the early 90s and have a passion
for the fans who support this team.
With our dedicated group of listeners, at times I have become the voice of the Tampa Bay Buccaneer fan.
The concept of the show is to provide the most comprehensive Bucs content year-round. I do a live show each Tuesday evening
that I host on Mixlr and the podcast goes up immediately following the show.
In the offseason, we focus on free agency and go heavy into the NFL draft.
As the season approaches, we being previewing the season, provide training camp coverage, and then into preseason.
Then, we go full into each game with a new episode each week. I just published our 57th episode this past week.
What’s your podcasting set-up? Hardware, software, CMS, etc.
I keep a pretty basic studio setup for this show. I use a Shure SM–58 microphone and a Behringer Xenyx802 mixer with a mix minus
setup that I use for our Skype interviews with our guests.
I have a dedicated Skype phone number that I purchased for interviews and live calls.
I do use a laptop only for the interviews and to broadcast the show live on Mixlr. I record into a Roland-R05 recorder, which I upgraded to after having difficulties recording directly into software.
I still use Audacity to edit and export the .mp3 files before uploading to Libsyn.
It’s a pretty simple setup that I’ll continue to upgrade, but I’m pretty happy now with the ease of setup and post-production.
How have you promoted your podcast?
I’ve been fortunate enough to develop great relationships with other podcasters, local sports media, and a large portion of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers fanbase.
My goal early on was to focus on content and be as professional and respectful as possible to start building relationships with fans and media outlets.
I have the BEST listeners who always promote our show via social media. We have a pretty large Twitter following for only being around for a year and a half.
Because Bucs fans know other Bucs fans, the “word of mouth” promotion has been fantastic for the show.
I’ve also been fortunate enough to be booked on podcasts, local radio and international sports shows, which has been a fantastic way to promote the show.
We continue to receive the love from other podcasts because they have also enjoyed the content we create and suggest their listeners to also tune in to our show.
It’s been a fantastic experience and the podcast has grown at a VERY rapid pace.
What do you know now that you wish you knew when you started?
The editing process was such a nightmare for me early on! I found myself editing for hours and hours and hours.
It was not an enjoyable process. I segmented my recording instead of just focusing on creating a seamless broadcast to try and limit
the amount of editing.
I was on the verge of giving up because the post-production was becoming just too much of a chore. Because of this, I turned my focus first to the hardware/software aspect of it.
Because I was having so many issues recording into software and hearing that hummmmmmmm or static, I started recording into a digital audio recorder.
Then, I started focusing on creating the best sound before I hit the record button. Because most of the shows are recorded live with an audience listening, at times I understand there is going to be a mistake here and there, and that’s okay.
I’ve cut down tremendously on post-production time and almost have it down to a science where I can have a podcast published within an hour of finishing the live show.
I use painting as an analogy for recording a podcast. The more time you put into the prep work to paint a room, the less time you’ll have to spend going in and fixing things.
This is exactly how I approach each show. I spend the time preparing for the content and also test the equipment prior to hitting the record button.
Another suggestion I can give podcasters who do broadcast live, is to start the show a bit early with a pre-show to test out the sound. Because we’re so reliant on technology, something that you think might be sounding okay, may not sound okay to your audience.
Test things out and run audio tests with your audience, which will hopefully give you some time to tweak things.
Have fun with it because podcasting is supposed to be fun, but know that the more you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it.
Now you know where to go when you are a Tampa Bay Buccaneer’s fan! You get a double whammy – a live component and a time shifted component. Fantastic. If you wanna join a vibrant Bucs fan community you need to subscribe to the BucsBrief Podcast!
And if you wanna join in on the fun live, the show is streamed live every Tuesday evening at 9pm EST via Mixlr.
Don’t want that much of a commitment? How about following them on Twitter and Facebook?
Are you crazy passionate about a team? We’d love to get your passion out to the masses! Host your podcast with us!